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[Note: All text is upside down relative to the above numbering, so the following text will start from the bottom of the page and move back up towards the top.]

to Said papers, herein refered to as exhibits A. and B. And
prayed to be taken as part of this bill, Copies of which are
herewith filed, And the Originals Shall be produced as
your Honor may order, In persuance of this agreement
the Said Nancy retained in her possession the Said Negros
Sarah, And her Children Swift and Martha, And the
Other two, Haywood and Miranda were delivered to
your Orator, who has ever Since Kept, and yet has
possession of them, Claiming them by no other title~
The marriage between the Said Arthir Jones, And the
Said Nancy was afterwards Consumated, the Said Nancy
having before that event taken the precaution to notify
him that She had executed the deed of gift And
agreements heretofore recited, And the Said Arthur Jones
in Said Conversation expressed himself well pleased
that Said Nancy had made the provision for your Orator,
And that it met his entire approbation, And Consent,
that Said Nancy had previously made a provision for a
Sister of your Orator, your Orator and Said Sister being the
only living Children of Said Nancy and her deceased
husband Samuel Hoskins, And that Said Nancy had
never before made Any others privision for your Orator,
And the Said Arthur after the Intermarriage took the Said
Negroes, Sarah and Swift, and Martha, into his possession
And they remained in his possession til his death, which
happened about the 24 day- of October 1836. The Said Nancy
Surviving him, Your Orator would further State that
Said Arthur Jones in his life time, as he is informed, [never?]
Claimed Any greater interest in Said Negroes. than his wife
that in the event She Should die before him, Said negroes
together with their increase Should immediately be
delivered over to your Orator Said Negroes have, Since
then have been in possession of Said Jones, increased and
now number in all Six, And are as follows Viz_

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