Page 5




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[Following text is written upside down from the bottom of the page back towards the top]
Jackson, Harriett, and Lilvy, Claimed by your Orator as
aforesaid, which Said Slaves, Said Executors Claim as the
Absolute property of their Said testator, And as your Orator
is informed they Say they will Sell them as Such in fee
, regardless of the Claim in remainder of your Orator,
Notwithstanding Said Executors, and all of Said Legatees
your Orator Charges Are Aware of his claim to Said Slaves,
Your Orator States further that he Sets a peculiar value
upon Said Slaves, that they are family Slaves, raised by his mother
And that Sarah is a first rate Cook and Washwoman, And
that Martha is a good Seamstress According to her ages, And
house girl, And for the reason above your Orator does
not feel that he Could (if left at law to his remidy) be fairly
Compensated in damages for the loss of them, Your Orator
States further that the Said executors as he is informed And
believes have Adventured Said Slaves of their testator to be Sold
on the 9~ day of January 1837, and also the Slaves above named
Claimed by your Orator, which will more fully appear by
reference to Said Advertisement herewith filed marked D.~
Your Orator States that unless he Can obtain the aid of this
Court, he is informed And fully believes that Said Executors
will on Said 9~ January, Sell and dispose of the Said Slaves,
(claimed by him as above,) as the absolute property of the Estate of the
Said Arthur decd, And in that event your Orator may be put to
great trouble And expense in following up the Several persons
who may purchase them, and established hin claim of them,
And indeed unless this Honorable Court lend its aid, to your
Orator, his claim and first right will be greatly delayed
And endangered, if not in Some or all of the Cases. entirely
lost, Your Orator has reasons to believe, and does believe, that
Some if not all of Said Slaves will be Carried out of this
State, Your Orator Charges, that the Said Executors, And the
Said Legatees of the Said Arthur decd, Are Combining And
Confederating together for the purpose of the Cheating And

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