husband Arthur Jones was addressing her, but as will
as She now recollects there was no Agreement to many existing
between them, And fearing he might be indeed to
believe the Said Negroes Sarah, Swift, And Martha, would
in the event of their Marriage belong absolutely to him,
Respondent appraised him of her intention to give them
to her Son Complainant, to which Jones readily assented, And
Accompanied his assent with this request, "Whatever you
intend to give William, give it to him now" Accordingly
Respondent executed Said Settlement As above Set forth,
to All of which her deceased husband Arthur Jones not
only readily assented but with which he expressed himself
even pleased, Some weeks or months afterwards Respondent
And Said Arthur Jones were Married, Respondent admits
that Said Negroes were taken into possession by Arthur Jones,
after the Marriage, but never in any of their frequent
Conversations did he Claim Any greater interest therein
than respondents life estate, by Virtue of the agreement under
Seal referred to in Complainants bill As Exhibit B, And
Admits that he frequently observed to her that in the event
She Should die before him Said negroes together with their
increase Should immediately be delivered over to Complainant,
Respondent admits that Said negroes have increased to the number
of Six, And are by name as mentioned in
Complainants bill, that her Said husband departed this
life on the 24~ Oct 1836 testabe, and by his will appointed for his
Executors as named, in Complainants bill, She also Admits
that exhibit C, as Set forth in Said bill is She believes A
Copy of his will, that John W Jones And Jacob Haigh Are the
acting executors, And that Said Negroes, have been offered
for Sale as mentioned in Complainants bill, Respondent in
further Answering States that she has had a Conversation
with her Co defendant George W Carroll, Since the death of
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