[Following text is upside down, read from the bottom to the top.]
her deceased husband, in which the Said Carroll told her
that Arthur Jones in his life time, Said that Said Negroes after
the death of Respondent would go to Complainant, Respondent would
again State, that Said Settlement was made upon Complainant
with the full Knowledge of her deceased husband Arthur Jones,
with his approbation, And at his request, that he never
during his life time pretended to have Any greater interest in
Said Slaves by virtue of his Marriage with respondent, than her
life estate, under Said Settlement, Respondent admits that
under the will of her deceased husband She Can Claim And
has An interest in Said Slaves As a Legatee, if her decleared
husband had any, And her proportion of Said interest As
her husband may have acquired by his Marriage with
her, Respondent denies all fraud or Combination with
her Co defendents or Any other person in reference to this
matter, And having fully Answered as She is advised All
the material allegations of Said bill of Complaint, prays
hence to be dismissed with her reasonable Costs,
Nancy Jones,
Addifdavits to } The State of Alanama } This day Came Nancy Jones before me
answer of } Franklin County } James Hodges An acting Justice of the
Nancy Jones } peace in And for the County aforesaid, who after being first
duly Sworn Saith that All the Answers in the foregoing is
true in fact as Alledged to the best of her Knowledge And
Sworn to & Subscribed,
Given under my hand & Seal this 10~ } Nancy Jones ~
day of January 1837. Attest J Hogges J P [Seal]
Answer of } The State of Alabama } To the Honorable the Judge of the 4~
Wylie B Jones, } Franklin County Viz } Judicial Circuit Court of Said State
in Chancery Sitting for Said County, the Answer of Wylie B Jones
One of the Respondents to the bill of Complaint filed in this
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