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[The following text is upside down relative to the top.]
himself, and as trustee for Sarah W. Washington to the bill of Complaint
of William S Hoskins. Complainant against this Respondent as above
And against Wylie B Jones, Isaac Winston, who married Catherine
B Jones, his wife, George W Carroll who married Lucy his wife, Jacob
Haigh, who married Mathilda another daughter of Arthur Jones
decd. and Nancy Jones Widow of Arthur Jones decd, and Said J
Haigh as trustee for Sarah W Washington daughter of Said Arthur
Jones &c Respondents &c, This Respondent now and at all times
Saving And reserving to himself As Respondents as above all and
all manner of benefits of exception to the error of the making
of parties to the above named bill, and the mistatements, errors
And wants of equity in the bill, for Answer to the Said bill
is Such parts thereof as he is advised and believes it is
important And required that he Should Answer unto, Answers
And Says, that is is true he is one of the Children and heirs &
Legatees as charged in the bill of Complaint, and trustee of
and for Sarah W Washington, Another heir and Legatee of
Said Arthur Jones decd., That Said Arthur departed this life
possessed or Property to the Amount And as named in the bill, that
in the negroes by the names given to them, and as Set forth, all
of which he insists belonged to his Father at the time of his
death, that a will in Substance as alledged was left by Said
Arthur, And in the Same Jacob Haigh And this Respondent
were named as Executors, And took on themselves the execution
thereof, after having Caused the Said will to be duly proven &
Admitted to record, and that they are the Sole acting Executors,
Your Respondents Admit that he And the other executor Jacob
Haigh took possession of the negroes Sarah, Swift, Martha
Jackson, Harriett And Silvey, As they did of all the rest of Arthur
Jones personal estate, So far as they were able to find and get
hold of it, and did advertise it for Sale as Such Executors,
according to law, as they verily believe they ought to have done
He admits the Will as Charged, that is he Supposes the Copy to be
Correct, not having Compared it &c, Your Respondent is not

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