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able to Say, whether his Father was advised of the Conveyance
of the negroes mentioned by Complainants Mother to Complainant
on the eve of her marriage with Respondents Father or at Any
other time, but asks for proof. Nor Can he admit that he even
had any Knowledge that Such Conveyance was made or
would be made but on the Contrary is Satisfied his Father Knew
nothing of it, and if he had have Know it, would have
Spurned with indignation a proposition So grovelling and illiberal
and would at once have declined any Marriage or further
intercourse with a Lady who Could Act So Completely with
An eye Single to lucre, & lucre only, Your Respondent is the
more Conformed in this belief from the fact that he is advised
and verily believes Such to be the facts, that [Coher?] said Marriage
Was Contemplated, a few years ago, between his father And
Complainants Mother, Something was Said in the way of a
proposition, from Said Nancy, that She would like So to do, with
her property, And promptly your Respondents father replied if
Any thing of that Kind was to be done he would decline the
Marriage Altogether, And then the matter As your
Respondent has understood and Verily believes was
Appearantly abandoned, as to the Conveying the property to
Complainant, and therefor Arrangements for the Marriage,
And the Marriage in fact were made, And between Said
Nancy (then Hoskins) And Said Arthur Jones, And your
Respondent insists that so far as he Knows believes or has
any reason in the least to believe the fact of Said Nancy's
Conveying a way Said Negroes or any of them to her Son as Stated
was in deed never Known by Said Arthur before nor after his
Marriage or at any time whatever, and he insists on Strict
roof Such position, And by no means admits it, or any
part of it, And your Respondent is Strengthened in the belief
of the Correctness and truth of his position and information
from this fact, that Some twelve or eighteen months before

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