[Following text is upside down relative to the top of the page.]
the death of his Father, his Father remarked to him privately that
he Arthur Jones, And Said Nancy Jones his ife had Come Very
near a great breach between them for the reason that She
had been endeavoring to get him to agree to a Conveyance
of the Very Negroes now in dispute to Said Hoskins, (Complainant)
he Hoskins, to take possession of them at the death of Said Nancy
his mother, And that he your Respondents father had refused
So to Do, unless She Said Nancy would relinquish her right
to Any of his Arthur Jones property in favour of Said Arthurs
Children in the event She outlived him, Arthur, And
that he Arthur was willing to make An agreement with
his wife that Said William S Hoskins Should have all the
negroes And property that his mother had owned before
marriage, at her death, if She Said Nancy would agree &
Stipulate that the Children of Said Arthur Should have all
Said Arthurs property that did not Come by her, at his
Arthurs death, And that to Such An equitable agreement
Said Nancy refused to assent, these facts were Stated to your
Respondent by his father during the time his father And
Said Nancy lived together, Now Respondent So far as he is
informed And believes is satisfied in his [merid?] that the
pretended Conveyance of Said Negroes by Said Nancy (on
the eve of her marriage) to her Son William S Hoskins, And
by him a life estate back to her Conveyed, was all done
without the Slightest Knowledge thereof on the part of
Arthur Jones his Father, And was in direct violation of
good faith, and in fraud of Said Arthurs Marital rights
And he would here beg leave to Call the attention of your
Honor to the fact that the pretended agreements Conveying
and reConveying Said Negroes between Said Nancy And
her Son William S Hoskins, Were only witnessed by one
witness to wit One John Hogeen the brother of Said Nancy
And Uncle of Said William, And although the Articles
of Such pretended Conveyance from Said Nancy were never
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