proven or recorded, And bears date on the 20~ of November
1828, And the Articles for the life estate were pretended to
be recorded until the 2d of March 1829, and he would appeal
to the Knowledge and information of all the friends and intimate
associates of Said Arthur Jones to establish whether or not he
ever admitted a Knowledge of Such. Your Respondent would
also her remark to Show the improbability that Said Nancy
or Said William S. would have let Said Arthur Know of Such
Conveyance to Said William, and back from here again a
life estate to his mother, that Said Arthurs estate and property
was far greater than that of Said Nancy at their Marriage,
And that by the rules of law and descent in Strict accordance
with which Said Arthur disposed by will of his personal
estate, So far as Said Nancy was Concerned, Said Nancy takes
a far greater estate by three or four fold than She brought to Said
Arthur at her marriage or at any other time, and in any event
of this Suit She [quits far neither?] than She was at her Said Marriage,
And the marriage took place when neither Could necessarily
have expected An increase of heirs by Children between
them Respondent denies all fraud and Combination &c
Your Respondent having fully answered, And not admit=
=ting any thing which is not expressly Set down was admitted
prays to be hence dismissed with his Costs in this behalf
expended &c
W. Cooper Sol for Complt,
Affidavit } The State of Alabama } This day Came John W Jones who is to me
to answer of } Franklin County Viz } well Known and makes oath that the
Jno W Jones. } matters Contained in the foregoing Answer to the bill of William S Hoskins is true So far as alledged of his own Knowledge, and that
the matter alledged of the advice or information by him received of
others & of his belief he Verily believes to be true as charged &c.
Sworn to and Subcribed by the Respondent before me a
Justice of the peace in & of Said County this 14 January 1837 } John W Jones.
My hand & Seal } Colin Bishop [Seal] J.P.
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