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Abandoned before the Marriage, And if So by whom, was it
So represented, tell all you Know touching these matters
inquired into?
6th Did you ever hear Say Said Nancy And her husband
Speak of Said property or other_ her property, if they did
when, And what was that Conversation, or Conversatiions,
tell all fully? Did you ever hear Arthur Jones Speak of Said property as his
own, or any thing touching it, or the former desire of Said
Nancy to Convey it, was Such Conversation in presence of
Said Nancy, Said William S, or John Hogan, if So which of them
And what did Said Arthur Say did they or either of them hear
it, were they So they must have heard it, And what did
they or any of them Say. tell all about it?
8th If there is anything else you Know which would lead to
Show that the above alluded to Conveyance of property from
Said Nancy, to Said Arthur William S. was Secret from Said Arthur, And
in fraud of his marital rights with Said Nancy, tell it fully.
9th Tell All things you Know of importance to the Respondents, touching
the matters in issue in this Cause?

Cross Intg.s to } Wm S Hoskins } Cross Interrogatories to be propounded
Saml Jones } Vs } In Chancery } to Samuel Jones, filed by Respondents
Jno W Jones, George W Carroll } in order to take his deposition to be
Nancy Jones, and others } read in the above Syted Cause_
To 4~ direct Interrogatory, if to this Interrogatory you State Arthur
Jones deceased had not Anterior to his marriage with Nancy
Hoskins Any Knowledge of the execution of the deeds refered to in
Said Interrogatory, State unequivocally, how and from whom
And in what manner you acquired this negative information?
If however you State that he had Knowledge of their execution,
State whether you did not acquire the Knowledge you have
of this transaction from him?

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