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house &c, which by law of this State She Could not have had
but by Will &c, he Arthur having had no title at law to it, nor
having paid the purchase money therefore, all of which property
to her made a much larger estate by manifold over and
above what She had at the Time of her marriage with him
even admitting She truly owned all that is in dispute, in this
Cause &c, this Respondent utterly denies all fraud &c, And
Combination wherewith he Stands Charged, And Respondent
insists that if any fraud at all exists in the premises, it was
Contrived and had by Complainant and his mother, And
perhaps others for the purpose of Cheating Said Arthur Jones,
then about to Marry Said Nancy, all of which he Verily believes
was the Case, And that the Conveyance of the negroes as
mentioned from her to her Said Son, was made it made at
all for no other end or purpose but the defrauding Said
Arthur, agrandizeing Complainant, And getting Said
Arthurs effects, Respondent asks and insists fro proof in
full, touching execution &c, and Registration of exhibits A & B.
Sworn to and Subscribed before me
this 26~ January 1837 Colin Bishop JP } Isaac Winston,

Answer of } In Chancery
J Haigh } The Answer of Jacob Haigh to the bill of Complaint of William
S Hoskins in the Circuit Court of Franklin County, this Respondent
now and at all times Saving to himself the benefit of exceptions
to the erros And imperfections of Said Complainants bill of
Complaint Says for Answer to So much thereof as he is advised
he ought to answer, that it is true that he is one of the Executors
of the last Will of Arthur Jones dec.d, that he intermarried with
Matilda the daughter of Said Arthur, and that in rights of his
wife he is entitled to a distrubutive Share of the estate of Said
Arthur Jones deceased, He also Says that it is True that Arthur
Jones did intermarry with Ann or Nancy Hoskins the mother of

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