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And others, in the Circuit Court of Franklin County, this Respondent
now And at all times hereafter Saving and reserving to himself
the benefit of all exceptions to the errors And insufficiencies of
Said Complainants bill of Complaint, for Answer to So much
And to Such parts thereof as he is advised it is material for
him to Answer, Answering Says, that it is true he intermarried
with Lucy W. a daughter of Arthur Jones deceased, that in right
of his wife he is entitled to a distrubutive Share of the estate of Said
Arthur, and that Jacob Haigh and John W Jones Are the
Executors of the last will of Arthur Jones dec.d, He further Says
that it is true that Said Arthur Jones intermarried with Nancy
or Ann Hoskins the mother of Complainant about the time
State in Complainants bill, and that She brought home with
her to the house And possession of Said Arthur immediately after
the marriage the Negro Slaves Sarah and her two Children
Swift and Martha, who remained in the possession of Said
Arthur Jones from that time to the time of his death which
happened in the month of October 1836. And that during all
that time he exercised over Said Slaves absolute ownership
And Controle, For further Answer this Respondent Says, that
he never Knew or heard Any thing whatever of Complainants
right to Said Slaves until after the death of Said Arthur Jones
nor does he [blank] that the papers refered to by Complainant
as Exhibit A. and B. were executed at the time they purport
to bear date, and that the Same was ever hinted at in his
presence, or made Known to Said Arthur either before or after
his marriage with Said Nancy or Ann, much more that
his assent was ever given thereto either directly or indirectly
before or after Said marriage, this Respondent for further
Answer Says that he is informed and believes it to be true, that
that no record whatever was made of Said papers marked as
exhibits A and B in the office of the Clerk of the County Court
of Said County And that the Same was withheld for the

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