[Following text is upside down relative to the top of the page.]
34 } purpose of Keeping from Said Arthur Jones Any Knowledge of the
Matter, } George W Carroll,
Affidavits to } The State of Alabama } George W Carroll being Sworn Says that
Answer } Franklin County S.S. } the foregoing Answer is true to the best of
Carroll } his Knowledge and belief-
Sworn to & Subscribed this 18~ April 1837
before me. } J Hodges [JP] } G. W Carroll
Interrogatories } William S hoskins } Interrogatories to be propounded to Nancy
Nancy Jones } Vs [ } ] In Chancery } Jones in order to take her disposition to be
Jacob Haigh Jno Jones } read in evidence on behalf of the Complainant
Nancy Jones etal } on the trial of Said Cause.
Intg 1st. When and under what Circumstances did you execute
the deeds referred to in Complainants bill of Complaint, was
Arthur Jones at that Time addressing you, was he made
acquainted with your intention to make Said Settlement,
previous to your marriage with him, and of the final execution
of Said deeds, if you Answer yea, State whether he objected to
the Same, and what he Said, did you Conceal this matter
from him in Any way or manner, did he ever decline
entering into marriage with you unless you would relinquish
your intention to make Said Settlement, Did you intimate to
Said Jones, or to Any other person, or expressly Say, that you would
relinquish your intention in relation to making Said Settlement,
upon Condition that Jones would intermarry with you, State
the Conversation had between yourself and Said Arthur Jones
upon this Subkect, and what he Said in reference thereto,
2.d Did you ever Since your marriage with Said Jones hear him
Say Any thing in reference to the property Conveyed by Said deeds.
If So State whether he admitted Complainant had any interest
therein, if So State what he Said, in reference to the matter?
3.d Did you ever either before or Since the death of Said Arthur
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