35. } Jones hear your Co defendants or either of them, if So which
of them, Speak of Complainants interest in the negroes mentioned
in his bill, and what was Said?
4~ Are you well acquainted with Said Negroes, how many
of them Are there, enumerate them, and what is there
respective value, how and have they increased Since the
execution of Said Settlement, or deeds, and which of them?
5~ What were your motives in Keeping possession of Said Negroes?
6~ If you Know Any thing else in reference to Said matter
State it fully.~ Feby 3d 1837 } S. W. Probas coSol for Complt.
Commission } The State of Alabama } To James Hodges, J.P. or Any Justice of the peace
Franklin County } for the County of Franklin in the State of Alabama Greeting
Know ye that We in Confidence of your prudence and fidelity
do hereby Commission, authorise and require you or Any one of you
to Call and Cause to Come before you, v Nancy Jones at the House of John Hogan
in the County and State aforesaid on the 9~ day of Sept in the year
of our Lord 1837, and after being first duly qualified upon
her Corporal oath, to be by you administered, do you examine
touching her Knowledge or rememberance touching the matters
in difference between the parties in a Suit now pending in
our Circuit Court holden for the County of Franklin wherein
William S Hoskins is Complainant, and John W Jones, Isaac
Winston And others Are defendants, in behalf of the Complainant,
And her examination, So taken, you reduce into writing, And
Send the Same with this Commission properly Certified from
under your hand, and enclosed under you Seal, to the
Clerk of the Circuit Court of Franklin County State of Alabama
at a Court to be holden at the Court house in the town of
Russelville On the third Monday in October next to be read
as evidence in Said Cause. Witness William Lucas Clerk of
our Said Court At office in Russelville this 18~ day of March 1837
And of our Independence the 61st year, Test W. Lucas Clerk
Issued [blank] day of [blank] 183.
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