[Following text is upside down relative to the top of the page]
36 } We agree that the disposition of Mrs. Jones Shall be taken in
Agreement } pursuance to a Commission And interrogatories heretofore filed,
Solicitors } Andresed in the Case of William S Hoskins (vs) John Jones and
others, in Chancery, in Franklin Circuit Court, and that no
objection will be made to the manner of taking Said disposition
And to be just as good as if formerly taken, and no better,
July 22d 1837. } W Cooper & P Walker pr. R.
S. W Probas co for Complt
Disposition } The State of Alabama } Agreeable to the Annexed Commission
of Jn Jones } Franklin County } to Me James Hodges directed being Are
acting Justice of the peace in and for the County aforesaid, I have
Caused Mrs. Nancy Jones to Come before me at the house of
John Hogan in Said County for the purpose of taking her
Disposition to be read as evidence in a Suit now pending
The Circuit Court of Franklin County to be held in the
town of Russelville at the Court house thereof on the 4 Monday
after the 3d Monday in September 1837. Wherein William S
Hoskins is Complainant, and John Jones, Isaac Winston
And others Are defendants, 9~ September 1837.
Answer to 1st Interrogatory by Nancy Jones 1st, "About three or
four weeks, previous to my Marriage to Arthur Jones, which was
as well as I now remember in the Month of November 1828,
I informed him, Arthur Jones that I had a little property
and that it was my wish that my Son William S Hoskins
Should have it after my death, he being the only Child, his
Jones,s reply was, that he did not Know that I had any property, And if it was my wish, I had better Convey it then,
and appeared to be perfectly Satisfied and willing that I
Should do So, and at the Same time observed that the property
I had was no object with him, as he Jones had a plenty to
Support us, he never declined entering into marriage with
me unless, I would relinquish my intention of Settling
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