Page 38



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37. } my property on my Son, Say three negroes. Sarah. Swift and
Martha, but appeared more anxious than otherwise that I
Should make the Settlement of my the property on my son William
Hoskins, I never intimidated Arthur Jones, or Any other
person that I would relinquish my intention of Settling the
property on my Son, upon the Condition that he Arthur Jones
would intermarry with me,"
Answer to 2d Interrogatory, "Arthur Jones at Sundry times in
Conversation mentioned the property as belonging to my Son William
the Negro Woman Sarah was in the habit of running a way, I
insisted that he Jones would Sell her And get Another in her
place, he always Answered that he would not Sell other
peoples property."
Ans to 3d Interrogatory " George W Carroll informed me Since the
death of Arthur Jones that he heard Arthur Jones Say, that if
I died, the property I Carried there would go to William S Hoskins,
this Conversation I understood from Mr Carroll took place
between him and Arthur Jones at a time that I was very
low, and not expected to recover"
Answer to 4~ Interrogatory, "I am well acquainted with the
Negroes, there Are Six in number, a woman Sarah, a Girl
Martha, and boy Swift, in the three Original, the increase
Since the Settlement of the property on William S Hoskins is three
in number, a boy Jackson, a Girl Harriett, And Girl Sylva,
the whole Six Sold at Arthur Jones' Sale for five thousand five
hundred and eleven dollars.
Answer to 5~ Interrogatory, "My motive for Keeping Said Negroes
in possession was that I was Keeping a boarding house in Tuscumbia
at the time, and Could not do without them, as I had no others,
and it being the wish of my Son William for them to remain
in my possession, further this deponant Saith not,"
Nancy Jones
I James Hodges An acting Justice of the peace in and for the

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