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Status: Incomplete

and answer the Complaints amended bill, on or
before the first day of the month term of this Court, the Same
will be taken [2 words illegible], and set for hearing of hate [?] an to
them, and that a cort [?] of tin [?] order lie [word illegible] for three weeks
in the native [?] alabamian at least two months before the [word illegible]
lerm [?] of thin [word illegible]"

Arties [?] lerm 1838.
In [2 words illegible] is in a agreed that the City
of the deed of [word illegible] in the bill [?] [word illegible] to the deed from
Naney [?] William to Complaintant, lie in all things. [Word illegible]
an the original deed, that to answer filed to the original bill,
shall be [?] concidered on the answer to the amended
bill, and the defendents be authorized to answer over if
they See [word illegible], that [word illegible] defendants shall be considered
hi [?] [word illegible] without faultis [?] [word illegible] or subpoena that
each party, complaintants, and defendants be entitled to take
testimony, and remake [?] the definition of person whose depositions
have already been taken, and that this cause [?] be set for[?] [word illegible]
at the next [word illegible] of this court, which agreement is needed by the
[word illegible] to see placed on the records, and cause continued"

J William Lucan [word illegible] of the circuit court of Franklin County
Alabama do certify that the foreging [?] are [2 words illegible] from
the minutes of this court, of all order made in the foregoing
cause, an [word illegible] my hand this 2nd day of April 1839.
Jest [?] W Luean Clerk.

To the honorable Daniel Colemane Judge of the 4th Judicial Circiut
of the State of Alabama sitting in charge [?] for the circuit court of
Franklin County, Humbly Complaining show the new to your Honor
your arathy [?] name James, that your arathy [?] formerly named Hoskins
Jennings to her marriage with arthers [?] James deceased, did by
died learning [?] date the 20 november 1828 in consideration [?] of
love and affection to her only child William S Hoskins an

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