[The following text is upside down relative to the top of the page.]
40 } infants, Convey to him Sarah, A woman, Swift a boy, Martha a
Girl, Haywood a boy, and Meranda a Girl, whihc deed was
then and there delivered to the Said William your Oratrix being
at the time Keeping a boarding house in Tuscumbia, And the
Said Slaves, being all the negroes She owned, An agreement
under Seal was entered into afterwards and on the Same day
between your Oratrix and her Son by which it was agreed
that your Oratrix Should have a life estate in Said Negroes, which
agreements was Signed and Sealed by your Oratrix and her Son
Aforesaid, Copies both of which deeds marked A And B are
herewith filed as part of this bill, Your Oratrix further Saith
that at the time of the execution of the Said deed, a Marriage
was expected to take place between her and the Said Arthur
Jones, and which in fact was Solemnized Some two or three
weeks afterwards, Your Oratrix as before Stated had no
property of Any Value but the Negroes above Stated, And her
Said Son William had no property whatever except the negroes
above Stated Conveyed by your Oratrix, his Patrimony having
been wanted by his Guardian, whilst the Said Arthur Jones
was quite wealthy and had Several Children by a former
marriage, under these Circumstances your Oratrix thought it
right And proper to provide for her Child, And her intention
So to do being made Known to the Said Arthur Jones, he entirely
Approved of it, And recommended your Oratrix So to act,
Your Oratrix further States, that the Negroes Haywood & Miranda
were previous to the marriage delivered up to the Said William
her Son, who has ever Since exercised ownership over them, the
remaining three were on the Marriage taken possession of
by the Said Arthur who held them until his death, at which
time they had increased to Six, Sarah, Swift, Martha, Jackson,
Harriett, And Silvy, Your Oratrix further Saith that the Said
Arthur Jones departed this life on the day of having previously
made his last will and testament by which he gave your
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