41 } Oratrix a life estate in One third part of the lands of which he
died Seized, and one fifth part of his personal property, which
will was duly proven and recorded, a Copy of which is herewith filed
as part of this bill, And further Saith that Jacob Haigh and
John W Jones have qualified as the Executors of the Said Arthur
Jones, Your Oratrix further Saith that the executors of the Said Jones
Claiming the Said Negroes Sarah and others As the property
of Said estate, Said William S Hoskins her Son filed his bill
in this Honorable Court asserting his title to the Said Negroes
and praying the Court to enjoin the Said Executors from Selling
Said Negroes, which was granted, but the Said executors having
given bond to indeminify Said William proceeded to Sell, And
did Sell the entire interest in Said Slaves to the highest bidder
And they being family negroes your Oratrix felt Contrained
to purchase them, and did So at the price of five thousand
five hundred and eleven dollars, for the payment of which
She executed her notes to the Said Executors, all of which actings
and doings of the Said Haigh And Jones defendants, Are
Contrary to equity and good Conscience and manifestly lend
to the inquiry and oppression of your Oratrix To the end therefore
that justice may be done, and as your Oratrix is totally remediless
in the premises, She prays your Honor that the Said Jacob Haigh
and John W Jones Executors of Said Arthur be made defendants
hereto, And full and perfect Answers thereto on their Corporal
oathes be Compelled to make, that this Cross bill be Considered
and heard at the Same time with the Original bill filed by the
Said William S Hoskins, And that Should your Honor decree
in favor of the Said William S, that the Said note given by
Your Oratrix for the Said Negroes be given up And Cancelled,
And for Such other And further relief As equity and good
Conscience may Seem meet, And as in duty bound
She will even pray &c, } Ormond & Probas Sols,
Filed 21st April 1837. } Test W Lucas Clerk
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