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[The following text is upside down relative to the top.]
Agreement } Nancy Jones } In this Cause it is agreed that the answers of
of Solicitors } Vs } Cross bill } the Said Haigh and Jones, filed in the Case of
Haigh Jones } William S Hoskins against Said Haigh and Jones
And others, Shall be Considered and taken As their Answer
in this Case, that all the deposition which are or may be
hereafter taken in the Case of Said William S Hoksins (vs) Haigh
And Jones and others So far as the Same are applicicable, And
the exhibits, Shall be Considered And read as if taken and
exhibited in this Cause, } Tarver & Walker Sols for defts
W Cooper do do
J. J. Ormond for Complt

Amended } To the Honorable Daniel Coleman Judge of the 4~ Judicial Circuit Sitting
Bill } in Chancery for the Country of Franklin Alabama, Your Orator
William S Hoskins would represent to your Honor that Some
time in the early part of the month of January 1837 he filed his
bill of Complaint in the Circuit Court for Frankling County
aforesaid against John W Jones, Isaac Winston, Jacob Haigh
George W Carroll, Wylie B Jones, Nancy Jones, and _ Executors,
trustees, and distributees under the will of Arthur Jones dec.d
Stating in Substance that his mother, then Nancy Hoskins,
widow of Samuel Hoskins, about the 20~ of November 1828
was possessed Among other property of five Negro Slaves Viz
Sara, And her two Children Swift and Martha, Haywood,
And Miranda, that Said Nancy Hoskins being then about to
intermarry with Arthur Jones now deceased, with a view
of providing for your Orator out of Said property did by deed
bearing date 20~ November 1828. Convey Said Slaves to your
Orator, and deliver them to your Orator, that on the Same
day and As part of the Same transaction the Said Nancy
made An agreement under Seal with your Orator in which
agreement it was recited that Said Nancy had made a

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