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deed of gift of Said Slaves to your Orator, And your Orator
agreed that Said Negro Woman Sarah and her two Children
Swift And Martha, Should remain in the Said Nancy's
possession during her life time, after her death Said Slaves
and their increase to belong And go to your Orator, which
Said agreement was proven, And recorded on the 2d March
1829. That Said Negroes, Nancy, the others were delivered over
to Complainant who yet has possession of them, Claiming
them by no other Title, that the Contemplated marriage
between Said Nancy and the Said Arthur, was Shortly
afterwards Consumated, the Said Nancy before that event
having taken the precaution to notify the Said Arthur
of her intention to make Said Settlement, at which time the
Said Arthur expressed his willingness And approbation
thereto, that Said Nancy had formerly advanced the other Child
and never before had given Any thing to your Orator, that
Said Arthur after his Said Marriage took Said Negroes into
possession, where they Continued until his death, which occured
about the 24~ Oct 1836, the Said Nancy Surviving him, that
Said Arthur in his life time never Claimed a greater interest
in Said Slaves than his wifes life estate, under Said Settlement
And frequently observed that in the event his wife Survived
him, Said Negroes Should be delivered over to Complainant
that Said Negroes have increased, and now number Six,
And Are as follows, Sarah, Swift, Martha, Jackson, Harriett
And Silvey, that Said Arthur did testate, And by his last
will and testament appointed John W Jones, Isaac Winston
And Jacob Haigh, his executors, that letters testamentary Were
granted by the Orphans Court of Franklin County, Alabama,
upon Said Estate, to John W Jones and Jacob Haigh, who
took into possession Among other property the property So as
aforesaid Settled upon your Orator, Viz Slaves Sarah, Swift,

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