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Let ten days notice be given of the time and place of
taking the above deposition,
James Gallagher Register.

Notice to take } William S Hoskins } In Chancery at Moulton Alabama,
Nancy Jones Depo.s } Vs } The defendants or their attorney Are
John W Jones & Jacob Haigh } notified that the Complainants will
Executors of Arthur Jones etal } on the 15~ day of April 1840 at the
dwelling house of Complainant in the County of Maringo and
State of Alabama take the deposition of Nancy Jones to be
read in evidence on the trial of Said Cause, on the part of
Complainant, 19 March 1840 } W Hoskins by Probas So.l

"Copy of this notice rec.d 21 March 1840 Tarver & Wacker Sols for defendants"

Deposition of } The State of Alabama } By Virtue of a Commission to be directed
Nancy Jones } Maringo County } from the Register of the Chancery Court for
the Sixth Chancery District, holden at Moulton in the State of
Alabama, and hereto Annexed I Jesse Croom have Caused to
Come before me on the 15~ day of April 1840 at the dwelling house
of William S Hoskins in the County aforesaid, Nancy Jones a
witness on the part of Complainant, in a Cause now pending
in Said Chancery Court, wherein Said William S Hoskins is Compl=
=ainant, and John W Jones and Jacob Haigh, executors of
Arthur Jones, and others, Are defendants, And the Said Nancy
Jones after having been by me duly Sworn to Speak the truth
And the whole truth touching her Knowledge of the matters in
Controversy in Said Suit, doth depose as followeth,
Interrogatory 1st Are you acquainted with the parties to a
Suit in Chancery in the Sixth Chancery district wherein William
S Hoskins is Complainant, and John W Jones, and Jacob Haigh
Executors of Arthur Jones deceased And others are respondents?
Answer. "I Am"

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