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I would relinquish my intention of Settling my property
on my Son, but appeared more Anxious than otherwise
that I Should make the Settlements, According I did execute a
deed to him (W. S. Hoskins) for the negroes, And with a View of
retaining possession of them until my death, he Said William
executed An Agreement by which I was to retain them Until
my death, after which they And increase Were to go to my
Said Son William, I never intimated to Arthur Jones or Any
One else that I had relinquished my intention of Settling my
property on my Son, upon the Condition that Arthur Jones
Would intermarry with me."
Int 3d. Did you Consumate the marriage then in treaty with
Arthur Jones, and if So, was it with a Knowledge on his part
that the property you then had in possession was but a life
estate in you? Was the marriage Consumated after the 20~ of
November 1828, State as neatly as you Can when the marriage
Was Consumated?
Answer, "I did Conssumate the marriage, and with a Knowledge
on the part of Arthur Jones that the property I then had
was held by me during my life, the marriage was Consummated as
near as I Can recollect about the third of December 1829."
Int 4~ Did you after your Marriage with Arthur Jones ever hear him
Say Anything of Complainants interest in the negroes Sarah,
Swift, and Martha, if So what did he say?
Answer to 4~ Int. " Arthur Jones at different times in Conversation
with me after our Marriage Spoke of the negroes in Controversy
As being the property of my Son, one of them Sarah, was in the
habit of running away, And I insisted that Mr Jones Should Sell her
and buy Another in her place, he always Answered me that he
would not Sell other peoples property"
Int 5~ Did the negroes Sarah, Swift, and Martha, go into the
possession of Arthur Jones after her marriage with you, And
who had possession of them after Jones death, and before the Sale?

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