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[Following text is upside down relative to the top of the page.]
2 } right, and other objections too numerous to be Set down
Walker & Cooper Sols. P. R

Commission } The State of Alabama } Northern Chancery Division, To John
take depo.s } Six th Chancery District } C Simpson Esqr Commission in the County
Nancy Jones } of Franklin in the State of Alabama Greeting
l Merideth } Know ye that we in Consideration Confidence of you prudence
B Hogan } and fidelity do hereby Commission, authorize and require
you to Call and Cause to Come before you at the dwelling
house of John Hogan Esquire in the County of Franklin onthe
4~ day of September 1840 Nancy Jones, Samuel Meredeth, A
William B Hogan, And them after being first duly qualified
dilligently examine touching their Knowledge respecting the
matter in difference between the parties in a Suit in
our Court of Chancery now pending. Wherein William S
Hoskins is Complainant, and John W Jones and others Are
defendants, in behalf of the Complainant, and their
examination So taken from under your hand and Seal
Send Certified to the Register of our Said Court to be holden
for Said Sixth Chancery district At the Court house in the
town of Moulton in the County of Lawrence on the first
Monday after the fourth Monday in November next, Witness
James Gallagher Register of our Said Court at office in the
town of Moulton this 31st day of August 1840. And of
American Independence the 64~ year-
Issued the 31~ day of August 1840
Test James Gallagher Register,

Let two days notice be given of the time and place of taking
the above deposition, James Gallagher Register,

William S. Hoskins
Notice } Vs } In Chancery at Moulton
The Exr.s & heirs of A Jones } Peter Walker & Wm Cooper Esqr.s or either

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