53 } of you as Counsel for defendants in the above Sighted Case
you Are hereby notified that Complainant will on the
4~ September 1840 at the dwelling house of John Hogan in
Franklin County Ala, take the deposition of Nancy Jones, Samuel
Meredith, And William B Hogan to be read in evidence on the
trial of Said Cause, on the part of Complainant, Sept 1st 1840
Hopkins & Parsons, Probares
Sol for Complainant
Copy handed to me this the 1st Sept 1840
Wm Cooper one of the attorneys for Roberts
Release from } For and in Consideration of five dollars to me in hand paid
Hoskins to } and for other good and Sufficient Consideration to me paid
Nancy Jones } by Nancy Jones before the Sealing and delivery hereof, I do
hereby release the Said Nancy Jones from all and every
liability to me on Account of Any express or implied warranty
of title Contained in a deed of gift from her whilst Nancy
Hoskins, of Sundy Slaves Viz Sarah, Swift, Martha, Haywood
and Miranda, by Virtue of a deed dated 20~ day of Nov 1828
And further hereby release her from Any And every Cause of
action Which I have or may hereafter have on account
thereof, as witness my hand and Seal this 4~ Sept 1840
Test Saml Meredeth, W B Hogan } Wm S Hoskins [Seal]
Desposition of } The State of Alabama } In pursuance of the Annexed Commission
Saml Meredeth } Franklin County } to me directed by the Register of the Chancery
Court at Moulton I have Caused to Come before me on this
fourth day of September 1840 at the residence of John Hogun
Esqr in the County aforesaid Samuel Meredeth and William
B Hogun witnesses on the part of the Complainant in a
Cause now pending in the Chancery Court for the Sixth
Chancery District at Moulton in the County of Lawrence,
State of Alabama, in which William S Hoskins is Complainant
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