55 } in the foregoing Commission do hereby Certify that
Deposition of } Samuel Meredeth And William B Hogan di depose as
Nancy Jones } as Shown in their foregoing depositions, that they were by
Me duly Sworn, And that they Subscribed the Same in my
presence on the day and yeare therein mentioned,
September 4~ 1840. } Jno C Simpson Commission
Desposition of, } The State of Alabama } In presence of the annexed Commission
Nancy Jones } Franklin County } to me directed by the Register of the
Chancery Court at Moulton, I have Caused to Come before me
on the afternoon of the fourth day of September 1840
at the residence of John Hogan Esqr in the County of
Franklin, Mrs Nancy Jones, Wiotness on the part of the Compla=
=iant in a Cause now pending in the Chancery Court for
the Sixth Chancery District at Moulton in the County of Laurence
State of Alabama in which William S Hoskins is Compla=
=iant And John W Jones and others are defendants, on
the part of Complainant in Said Case, Mr.s Nancy Jones
being duly Sworn answer as follows.
Question 1st.. Did you execute a deed of gift to William S Hoskins
of which the enclosed Marked B. Upon its back is a Copy. If
So, under what Circumstances was it executed, were you
at that time Contemplating a marriage with Any one,
And if So, with whom, And did you impart your intention of
executing Said deed to your Contemplated husband?
Answer, "I did execute a deed of which the one now Shown to
me, marked B upon its back, And herein enclosed is a Copy,
at that time I had only one Child living, my Son William S
Hoskins, who was unprovided for by and patrimony from his
Fathers Estate, his guardian having Squandered his estate,
and having been instrumental in the Selection of his Guardian
I felt Solicitous to make provision for him, at the time of
the execution of Said deed, and Some time before I was being
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