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[The following text is upside down relative to the top of the page.]
addressed by Captain Arthur Jones, and informed him of the
Circumstances above mentioend, and of my intention to Settle
the property mentioned in Said upon my Son,"
Question 2d. Upon giving this information to Capt Jones, what
passed between you? Answer, Capt Jones replied that he
did not Know that I had Any property, and if it was my
wish to Convey it to my Son, I had better do it then, And
Appeared to be perfectly Satisfied and willing that I Should
do it, And at the Same time observed that the property I
had was no object with him, as he had a plenty to
support us."
Question 3.d Atat Any time after you had informed Capt
Jones of your intention in regard to the Settlement of the
property did he disapprove of it, or Show Any Un=
=willingness to your giving it to your Son, or did he ever
decline entering into Marriage with you without your
would relinquish your intention of So doing? Answer,
"Capt Jones never expressed any unwillingness to my Settling
my Negroes on my Son, but always appeared more Anxious
than otherwise that I Should So do, he never declined
entering the marriage with me unless I would relinquish
my intention of Settling my negroes on my Son, I never
intinated to Arthur Jones or any other person that I
would relinquish my intention of Settling my property on
my Son upon the Condition that he Arthur Jones would
intermarry with me"
Question 4~ State whether you were afterwards married
to Capt Arthur Jones, if So, whether after the marriage
you heard Said Jones Say Any thing about the property
you Carried with you, And what he did Say, And
State the names of the negroes you did Carry to Said Jones
with you? Answer, " I was married to Capt Arthur

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