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56 57 } Jones Some Short time after making the deed to my
Son, after our Marriage I heard Capt Jones At Sundry
times Speak of the negroes As the property of my Son William,
The negro woman Sarah was in the habit of running away
I Several times requested Capt Jones to Sell her and get
Another in her place, he always Answered he would
not Sell other peoplers property, The negroes I Carried to
Capt Jones with me were named Sarah, Swift & Martha,
Question 4~ Did you ever either before or Since the death of
Capt Arthur Jones hear your Codefendants or Any or either
of them, if So. Which of them, Speak of Complainants
interests in the negroes mentioned in the bill, and what was
Said? Answer, "Since the death of Capt Arthur Jones George
W Carroll informed me that he heard Capt Jones Say, that
if I died, the property that I Carried there with me
would go to William S Hoskins, this Conversation I
understood Mr Carroll to Say took place took place
between him And Capt Jones At a a time I was Very
Sick, And not expected to recover"
Question 5~ Are you Acquainted with the negroes now in
Controversy in this Suit, how many of them Are there, enumer=
=ate them, and what is their respective value, how much
have they increased Since the execution of Said Settlement or deed,
And which of them Are the increase? Ansewer, "I am well acq=
=uainted with the negroes, there Are Seven of them, Viz Sarah
a woman, Martha a Girl, Swift a boy, Are the three original
Negroes, the increase Since the Settlement of the property on
William S Hoskins is four, in number Viz, Jackson a boy,
Harriett a Girl, Silvy a Girl, and Edy a Girl, the first Six
of which Sold at Capt Arthur Jones Sale, for five thousand
five hundred and eleven dollars, Edy the last named child
has been born Since Said Sale,"
Question 6~ What were your Motives in Keeping possession of

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