[The following text is upside down relative to the top of the page.]
58 } Said Negroes? Answer "My Motive for Keeping the Negroes in
possession was, that I was Keeping a boarding house in Tuscambia
at the time, And Could not do without them, having no others,
And it was the wish of my Son that I Should retain possession
of them,
question 7~ Were the Negroes of peculiar Value, And if So,
On what account? Answer," they were, I had raised them
myself, and of Course they would Suit me better and be of
more Value to me than Any other negroes,
Nancy Jones.
Sworn to And Subscribed before me this 4~ day of September
1840 } Jno C Simpson Commissioner
Certificate } The State of Alabama
Franklin County } I John C Simpson, Commissioner named
in the foregoing Commission to hereby Certify that Nancy Jones
did depose as Shown in the foregoing deposition, And that
She was by me duly Sworn, And that She Subscribed the Same
in my presence, on the 4~ day of September 1840
Jno C Simpson Commissioner
Copy of deed } "The following is the deed of gift executed by Nancy Jones to
referred to } William S Hoskins on file Amongst the papers in the Cause of
the foregoing } William S Hoskins (vs) John W Jones and others in the Chancery
Dpos. of Nancy } Court at Moulton Alabama"
Jones, } "For and in Consideration of the love and affection I have for
my Son William S Hoskins I have this day given him the
following negroes. Viz Sarah, boy Swift, Girl Martha, boy
Haywood, & Girl Miranda, I warrand and defend the title
of Said Negroes As named above to my Son William S
Hoskins and his heirs forever, Given under my hand &
Seal this 20~ day of November 1828.
Test John Hogan } Nancy Hoskins [Seal]
Test James Gallagher Register Chancery Court,
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