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Answer of } William S Hoskins } The Answer of James C Watkins
Gadn ad Litem, } Vs } Register of the Chancery Court at
John Jones I Haigh Ex.s et al } Moulton, Guardian ad Litem of the
minor defendants in this Suit, for answer to the allegation
and Averments in the bill filed against those defendants
John W Jones, and Jacob Haigh Executors of Arthur Jones
et al, Says that the Said defendants Are minors, and thereore
prays to protect their interest, Respondent thereofre as Guardian
of Said Respondents denies all the allegations in Complaiants
bill, and requires Strict proof thereof, and having
Answered as fully as he Can prays hence to be dismissed
with his Costs &c, James C Watkins Register,
Filed June 3d 1841, J C Watkins Register

Agreement to } William S Hoskins } It is agreed that this Cause now pending
Trans for Case, } Vs } in the Chancery Court at Moulton be
Exc.s of A. Jones } transfered to the Chancery Court at Russellville
in Franklin County } S W Probares Complts Sol
P Wacker for Respondents

Transcript of } The State of Alabama
orders made } 30~ Chancery District } Northern Chancery Division Court holden at Moulton,
of Moulton, } William S Hoskins } In this Cause the following Are the orders
Vs } that have been made in this Court As
John W Jones etal } appears on the minutes of the Same~
At June term 1839. "Came the Complainant by his Solicitor And
on his motion. It is ordered by the Court that the Register
hereof be appointed Guardian ad Litem of the infant
defendants towit, William, Mary C. Jones, And Martha W
Adair, And by Consent, and on motion, this Cause is
Set for hearing at the next term of this Court & the Same [Centd?]
At December term 1839 "On motion and by Consent of the parties
It is ordered by the Court that the Complainants have leave to

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