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[The following text is upside down relative to the top of the page.]
take the testimony of Nancy Jones, one of the defendants before
a Commissioner, and the Said Cause be Continued,
At June term 1840 "On motion of the Complainant by his
Solicitor, It is ordered by the Court that he have leave to retake
the testimony of Nancy Nones. And the Said Cause Continued"
At May term 1841. "In this Cause the death of the Guardian ad
Litem of the minor heirs being Suggested, It is ordered by the
Court that James C Watkins the present Register of this Court
be appointed"
Special January term 1842, "On motion, It is ordered by the Court
that this Cause"
At May term 1842. "Came the parties by their Solicitors And on
motion of defendants Solicitors, It is ordered by the Court that
Said Cause be Contiunued"
At May term 1843. "Came the parties by their Solicitors And it
appearing that the parties defendants reside in the County of
Franklin, On motion, and by Consent of parties, It is ordered
by the Court that this Cause be transferred to the twenty nineth
district, Composed of Franklin County"
Certificate } The State of Alabama } At office in Moulton, J M
Lawrence County } Priest Register of the 30~ District of
Northern Division of Alabama Certify that the foregoing is a
Correct Transcript of the order made in this Court, in the
Case of William S Hoskins (Vs) John W Jones and others as
appears on the minutes of Said Court,
In testimony whereof I hereunto Set my
hand and affix my private Seal this 27~
April 1844. M Priest [Seal] Register,

Order of } And at the May term 1844. of the Chancery Court for the 29~
Court } District And Nirthern Division of Alabama for the County
of Franklin, the following order of Court was made in this Cause to wit

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