This day Came the parties by their attorneys, And by Consent
publication of testimony is ordered in this Case, and on
further motion, It is ordered by the Court that the Compla=
=ainants have leave to Amend his bill by adding a party,
or by dismissing as to Legatees of Jones, as he may be advised,
And leave to retake testimony if necessary, & the Cause is Contd,
Order of } May term 1845. This order was made towit, "This Cause is Contd"
Court. } And at the Same term of Said Court towit May 1845. The
following interlocutory decree was had in this Cause towit
"William S Hoskins } In this Cause it is ordered that Compl=
Vs } =antants have leave to release John
A. Jones Exrs &c } Hogan who is Security on his Injunction
bond by entering others Security on the Injunction, and that
he have leave to examine Said Hogan as a witness
A Bowei Chanel
Injunction } Know all men by these presents that We William S Hoskins
Bond, } John H Hogan, William B Alsbrook, Are held and firmly
bound unto John W Jones, Isaac Winston and Jacob Haigh
Executors of the last will and testament of Arthur Jones decd
in the penal Sum of five thousand dollars to be paid to
the Said John W Jones. Isaac Winston and Jacob Haigh their
Certain attornys executors administrators or assigns, to which
payments will and truly to be made we bind ourselves
our heirs executors and Administrators firmly & Severally
firmly by their presents, Witness our hands and Seals this
27~ April 1846, Whereas the above bound William S Hoskins
has heretofore filed his bill in Chancery Against the Said
John W Jones, Isaac Winston & Jacob Haigh As the Executors
of Arthur Jones deceased, Also George W Carroll and others
to which bill is Annexed And order to the Clerk of the Circuit
Court of Franklin County State of Alabama for the issuing
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