On the date thereof, who else was present when they were
made; Were they made before the marriage between
Nancy Jones and her late husband Arthur Jones, And
if they were, how long before that Marriage, were they made,
do you Know whether Arthur Jones Knew of the Conveyance
of the property mentioned in the exhibits A & B, or either of
them before his marriage with Said Nancy, and if you
Know that he Knew thereof, how did you or do you Know
that fact?
2d. Please State if those exhibits alluded to were or were
not made in private, and Secret from Arthur Jones or
Were they made with his Knowledge thereof, before his
Said Marriage?
3d If the Exhibits alluded to Were made with the Knowledge
of Arthur Jones thereof, or if he was advisised thereof before
his marriage, did he not object to Marrying or refuse or
declare that he would drop the Contemplated marriage
with Said Nancy Jones (then Nancy Hoskins)?
4~ State whether the Said Arthur Jones was assured by Said
William S Hoskins or Someone acting for him that the exhibits
Were or Should be destroyed, that the marriage alluded to
Should not be defeated, or Something to that or the like effect,
please to tell all about it which will Show the history of
the matter, And whole truth of the transaction?
5 Was it not advised by Said Nancy or Ann Jones (then
Nancy Hoskins) in the presence of yourself or W S Hoskins
that those exhibits and the making thereof, or one or either
And which of them Should be Kept Still or quiet, or Secret,
Until after the marriage of Said Nancy with Said Arthur
till all about it And whether W S Hoskins Knew thereof,
And at or what time did these things take place, Was it
before or after the marriage or both?
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