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[The following text is upside down relative to the top of the page]
66 } 6th Whether did you And W S Hoskins have Any and what
Conversation Advising the Keeping Secret the matter alluded to
in the 1st Cross question, above, And when was Such Conversation
and advising, was it before or after the marriage aforesaid?
7~ Did WS Hoskins or his mother and which of them Advise
or direct or Suggest to Any And to what person or persons to
Keep the existance of Said exhibits a Secret, tell off fully, And
when was all this, tell what you Can?
8~ Did you not directly or indirectly advise W S Hoskins or his
to Keep the execution or existance of Said exhibits A And B
Alluded to Secret from Arthur Jones, And when and when
was Such advise Suggested, and given, And to whom,
tell all fully and fairly?
To the 4&5 Interrogatories on the part of the Complainant I These
Respondents object to Answer being given As illegal, And
not to be admitted?
9~ Now please to State fully And fairly All that you Know
or may have heard from William S Hoskins or his mother
or in their presence as touching the premises that would
go to Show that a fraud was practiced or about being
practiced on Arthur Jones touching the premises by
means of the making &c of the exhibits A and B, or
either of them, tell all fairly and fully to establish that
poisition, And all else you Know or may have heard that
will go to enable the defence to be made in this Case, give
Time and place to the facts which you may Speak of?
10~ And State whether Arthur Jones was not at his Marriage
and death wealthy, and whether the position received And
to be received by Said Ann or Nancy for his Widow is not
wealth more than double the Amount of the estate She
Carried to Said Arthurs, at her marriage with him,
and what relative portion does it bear to what She

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