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The State of Alabama Probate Court
Macon County Special Form 14th day of October
This day came Benjamin F. Foster Executor of the will of Martha A Foster dec'd and presented his account current and voucher for an Annual Settlement of his administration
of said Estate. It is ordered that Said account current and voucher be filed and set
for hearing in the 2nd Monday in November 1861 and that notice of the filing of
Said account and day set for hearing Said Settlement be given by advertisements
posted at the Court House door and three other public places in Said County
for three successive weeks and that John J. Martin be appointed Guardian
ad Setens to represent Elizabeth Martin Charles Martin and Martha
Peyton Martin Three heirs of said dec'd in Said Settlement
Lewis Alexander Judge of Probate

The State of Alabama Probate Court
Macon County Special Form 3rd January
Be it Remembered that on this day in the matter of the application of Benjamine F
Foster Executor of the will of Martha A Foster for an annual settlement of
said Estate and it appearing that the account current and voucher of said executor
were filed on the 14 day of October 18th and was by order of Court
there made set for hearing on the 2nd Monday in November 1861 and regularly
continued until this day Comes Said Executor and moves the Court to proceed
with Said Settlement also comes JJ Martin Guardian ad Setens appointed
by the Coourt to represent Elizabeth Martin Charles Martin and Martha
Peyton Martib minor children of said dec'd and represents said minors in said
Settlement. And it being Shown to the satisfaction of the Court that notice of
the filing and day set to hear and pass upon Said account has been given by
advertisements posted at the Court House door and three other public
places in said County for three successive weeks. The Court proceeds to hear
and pass upon the account and vouchers and proof in relation thereto. Where
upon said Guardian ad Setens by his attorney Abram Martin moves the
Court to charge Said Executor with the proceeds of the sale of crops made
upon the plantation or the hire of negroes of said dec'd for the years 1860 & 1861
and also objects to the allowance of vouchers in Said account numbered one
two three four five seven nine twelve thirteen fourteen nineteen & twenty
which motion and objection was overruled by the Court and upon examination
of said account it is found that said Executor received in assetts
of said Estate #7188.12 and paid out on account of the debts of Said dec'd. Expenses
of Administration to the sum of $717189 leaving a balance on this

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