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Index In Record | Page |
Original Bill | 1 |
Judges ? | 4 |
Appraisment Bill | 4 |
? of Injanetion[?] | 6 |
Original Subpoenea | 7 |
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Continued 111 Deposition of Abner Clarke |56 " " John Calhoun |58 " " Alfred Blackwell |60 " " George Calhoun |61 Testimony of A. Clark taken on [???] |63 Minutes of July Term 1844 |65 Minutes of July Term 1846 |66 Complaints Testimony on Referena |67 Commision & interrogatones |75 Deposition of Niley King |77 " " C. Bailey |78 " " U. Dulany |79 " " D. McCullough |79 " " S. Northington |80 Commision & Interrogations |81 Deposition of L. Scissone |82 Commision & Interogationes |84 Deposition of William King |87 Alex White s Affidavid |89 P.G. Walker s Affidavid |89 Bill of exceptions |90 Decred[?] |92 Opinion of Supreme Court |99 Certificate of SupremeCourt |106 C.K. McCarthy s Affidavid & Notice |107 Interlocutory[?] decree & Petition |108 Attachment Bond |109 Attachment |110 Delivery Bones & Order |111 Commisions & Interogations |112 Deposition of Wiley King |113 Commission & Interogationes |114 Deposition of Jeremiah Skelton |116 Comission & Interogationes |117 Deposition of Dougherty & Lampkin |121 Commission & interogationes |122 Notice of Taking deposition |124 Deposition of Thomas King |125 Exemplification |126 Final Decree |134 Registers Certificate |138
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The State of Alabama} Talledega County} Whereas at a time of the Chancery Court for the 40th District of said State setting as Talladega on the 28th day of Febrary 1849. a decree was tendered by the said court in the case of David A. Calhoun pres faso ami Joseph Calhoun complainajt against the said Martha M. King Solomone Spenses Council K. McCartney et al, and whereas Council K. McCartney and Baker Dulang defendants in said case, suggest that in the said decree, and also in the Record and proceedings in said trial, there is manifest Error, & at their instance the foregoing transcript of said Decree and of the Record and proceedings in aid case has been prepared, and is herewith transmitted to the Honorable the Supreme Court of said State, that the Errors aforesaid suggested may be corrected and such other and further proceedings amy be had thereon as Law and justice may Require. Witney Jacob, J. Bradford Register of the said corat athis office in Talladega this 15th day of May 1849, and of American Independence the 73rd year. Atest Jacob F. Bradford Regis. Solomon. Spencer Jr Deputy
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