Mead v. Hughes's, Administrator



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Pleas before the Hon Jams M Green Judge of the County Court of Jackson County State of Alabama &c

Wm Brandon Adms of Samuel Hugh[misspelled)s Decd. 563 vs Samuel Mead

Be it remembered that heretofore towit on the 23rd day of Jany in the year of Our Lord 1843. A Capias ad respondendum issued from the office of the Clerk of the County Court of said county in the words & figures following (towit)

The State of Alabama Jackson County To any Sheriff of the State of Alabama Greeting You are hereby commanded to take the Body of Samuel Mead wherever he may be found in your County and him safely keep so that have his body before the Judge of our next County Court to be held for the County of Jackson at the Court House the Town of Bellefonte on the 2nd Monday in Febynext to answer Samuel Hughes a signee &c of a plea of covenant broken to his Damage Five hundrd dollars Here in fail not -and have then there this writ Witness Moses Jones Clerk of our Said Court- at- office in Bellefonte this 23rd day of Jany in the year of out Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty 3.] and of american Independance the Sixty 7th year Issued the 23rd day of Jany 1843. Test Moses Jones Clk CC on which is the following endorsement towit.

Last edit 7 months ago by elainehinch
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476 This action is founded on the Defendants convenant in the words & figures following (lowest.)

$270 On or before the first day of January next I promise to pay Sintha Hickman or William Hickman the Just and full Sum of Two hundred & Seventy dollars of common currency of this State witness my hand & Seal the 8th of Jany 1842 (signed) Saml Mead [Seal] which was assigned by William Hickman to Higginson Loveing the 16th Febry 1842 & by Said Loveing to the plaintiff on the 26th of March 1842 all of which is unpaid No Bail reqd-

Moses Jones Clk 66

Sheriffs recpt & return Not Executed this 5th July 1843 J R Caffey Sheriff by his Deputy John Snodgrass

and on the 17th day of July 18443 the following Alias Cop ad risk Issued (low[?]

The State of Alabama Jackson County

To any Sheriff of the State of Alabama Greeting

You are hereby commanded (as you have hereto -fore been ) to take the body of Samuel Mead where ever he may be found in your County and him safely keep so that you have [?] body before the Judge of our next County Court to be held for the County of Jackson at the Court House in the Town of Bellef[onte] on the 2nd Monday in August next to answ[er] Samuel Hughs assignee &c of a plea

Last edit 7 months ago by elainehinch
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of Covenant broken to his Damage five hundred dollars. Herin fail not and have then there this writ Witness Moses Jones Clerk of our Said Court at office in Bellefonte this 17th day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight Hundred and forty three and of American Independance the 68th year

Issued the 17th day of July 2843 Test Mose Jones Clerk 66

On the back of which is the following endorsement Court - This action is founded on the defendants covenant in the word and figures following towit $270. On or before the first day of January next I promise to pay Sintha Hickman or William Hickman the Just and full sum of two hundred & Seventy dollars of common currency of this State witness my hand & Seal this 8th of Jany 1842 (signed) Saml Mead {Seal} which was assigned by William Hickman to Wigginson Loving the 16th July 1842 & by Said Loving to the plaintiff on the 26th of March 1842 all of which is unpaid No Bail reqd Moses Jones Clerk 66

Sheriffs return Executed this within by delivering a copy thereof to the Defendant Samuel Mead 29th July 1843 John R Caffey Sheriff Jackson Co Ala

Covenant $270

On or before the first day of January next I promise to pay Sintha Hickman or William Hickman the Just & full sum of Too hun

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[hun]dred and Seventy dollars of Common Currency of this State Witness my hand and seal this 8th of January 1842 Saml Mead {seal}

assignments I assign the within note to M Loving for value recd Feby 16th 1842 William hisXmark Hickman I assign the within note of Samuel Hughs for value recd of him this 26th day of March 1842 Migginson Loving

The Declaration The State of Alabama Jackson County ss, August Term 1843 In the County Court of Jackson County

Samuel Hughs assigned plaintiff by Attorney complains of Samuel Mead defendant in Custody &C of a plea of Covenant broken for that whereas the said defendant heretofore to wit on the 8th day of January 1842 at to wit the County of Jackson in the State of Alabama by his certain writing obligatory sealed with his seal & now Shown to the Court the date whereof is a certain day & year therein named to wit the day & year aforesaid covinanted & bound himself to pay on or before the first day of January next then next to one Sintha Hickman or William Hickman the Sum of two hundred &Seventy dollars of Common Currency of this State meaning thereby two hundred & seventy dollars of the Common Currency of the State of Alabama and then & there delivered the said writing Obligatory to the said

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479 William Hickmon by means whereof and by force of the Statute in Such case made & provided the said defendant then & there became liable to pay to the said William Hickmon or the said Sintha Hickmon the said sum of two hundred and seventy dollars according to the Tenor & effect of the said writing Obligatory. And the Said William Hickmon to whom the payment of the said sum of money in the Said writing Obligatory specified was to be made after the making of the said writing obligatory and before the payment of the said sum of money therein specified to wit on the 16th day of February 1842 by his written endorsement thereon assigned for a valuable Consideration the said writing Obligatory to one Migginson Loving & then & there to wit on the day & year last aforesaid at the County aforesaid delivered the said writing Obligatory so assigned as aforesaid to the said Migginson Loveing & the said Migginson Loving after the execution of said writing Obligatory & the aforesaid assignment & before the payment of the said sum of money in said writing Obligatory Specified to wit on the 16th day of March 1842 at the County aforesaid by his written indorsement thereon for a valuable Consideration assigned the said writing obligatory to the said plaintiff by means whereof & by force of the Statute in such Case made & provided the said defendant then & there become liable to pay to the said plaintiff the said sum of money in the said

Last edit 26 days ago by elainehinch
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