Page 44
Commissioners appointed by the judge of the Orphans Court of Laurence
County to appraise the Estate of Benjamin Sherrod deceased, in Franklin County aforesaid
who being duly sworn say on their Oaths that the foregoing is a true inventory and
appraisement, just and fair of all the Estate of Benj. Sherrod dec.d as shown to them
by the Executors of said Estate on the Chantilly plantation in said County on the 29th
day of April 1847, to the best of their skill and belief.
sworn to and subscribed before me. Given under
my hand and seal, this 15 day of May 1847.
W.G. Thompson JP [Seal]
N.J. Houston
Edward [Pearsall?]
S.W. Carroll
Laurence County
Personally appeared before me Nathan J. Gallaway
Justice of the peace in and for said County W.W. Watkins and
Richard Jones Executors of the last Will and Testament of Benj. Sherrod dec.d and
being duly sworn say that the foregoing is a true Inventory of the Estate of said
dec.d to the best of their knowledge so far as come into their hands including the
property appraised in Franklin County,
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 19th June 1847.
N.G. Gallaway Justice of the Peace.
W.W. Watkins
Richard Jones
Order for annual settlement
On the application of Frederick O Sherrod, William W. Watkins and Richard
Jones Executors of the last Will and Testament of Benj. Sherrod dec'd, and they
having filed their accounts and Vouchers; It is Ordered by the Court that make
an annual settlement of their said Executorship, at an Orphans Court to be
holden for said County at the Courthouse in the town of Moulton on the first
Monday in June next and that forty days notice thereof be given by [1 word illegible]
Copies of this order posted up at the door of the Court house in Moulton and
three other public places in said County.
Annual Settlement June 1848
On the application of Frederick O. Sherrod, Wm. W. Watkins and Richard
Jones Executors of the last Will and Testament of Benj. Sherrod deceased, for
an annual settlement of this said Executorship and they having heretofore,
to wit at the April Term of this Court in the present year filed their accounts
of their settlement with the Court and the same having been duly examended and
an account there of Stated and Reported by the Judge of said Court and forty days
notice thereof having been given by advertisements posted up at the door of the
Court house in Moulton and at these other public places in said County
agreeably to law and in pursuance of an Order of said Court made at the said April term
thereof an no person having appeared to Contest said Settlement It is now Ordered
by the Court that the account as Stated and Reported as aforesaid be allowed
and that the same with the other proceedings had in said Settlement be recorded
on the Minutes of this Court, which are in the words and figures following, to wit,
Annual Settlement
June 1848.
Richard Jones and Wm. W. Watkins and Frederick O Sherrod Executors of the
last Will and Testament of Benjamin Sherrod dec.d
in annual account of the Orphans Court of Laurence
County June 5th 1848.
1846 July 31 To Acct. Cash rec.d of Sam.l Chapman $ | 35 | 00 |
1847 March 1 To Acct Cash in B. Sherrod.s possession at the time of his death $ | 72 | 00 |
Amt debts Carried forward $ | 107 | 00 |
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