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Amt. debits brot forward c/o 107 00
March 4 To amt nett proceeds of 69 Bales of Cotton 2957 93
March 4 To amt of Cash reced. of R. S. Tirrell for Beef 3 50
April 1 To amt proceeds of 163 Bales of Cotton 6397 61
April 1 To amt of Exchange on c/o 1375. Tennessee Money, Recd at 2 per cent 27 50
April 14 To amt cash recd , of C. Gibson for sales at Hard Bargain 7 25
July 15 To amt, dividend of New York and Miss. Sand Company
and Exchange or Same 3323 97
July 15 To amt proceeds of 23 Bales Cotton sold Martin County [?] 889 28
July 30 To amt, recd, of N. G. Housten Alsierce 95 00
August 2 To amt. proceed of Advance on 13 Bales of Cotton shipped to Liverpool 371 39
August 2 To amt. proceed of Advance on 453 bales of Cotten shipped to Liverpool 16069 89
August 2 To amt. proceed one bale Cotton 42 48
August 2 To amt proceed 4 bales Cotton damaged 42 90 }
August 2 To amt. of premium on c/o 90000. thirty days checks recd
at 1 percent discount 90 00
August 2 To amt. premium on c/o 5000 sixty days checks rec.d
August at 1/[1/4] per cent discount 62 50
August 2 Amt premium on c/o 1228 86/100 sixty day Check 1 [1/4] discount 15 36
Septr. Amt . cash recd. of C. Gibson from Sales at Hard bargain 11 25
Septr. 13 Amt Cash recd. advance on Shipmenet 163 Bales Cotton
to Liverpool 778 60
Octr. 23 Amt Cash recd. for four Bales Cotton 156 70
Jany 12 Amt. of Cash recd. of Thomas Jones on acct. 5 00
Jany 12 Amt. of Cash recd. dividend of New York and Miss Land
Jany Company and premium on same 702 50
Jany 12 Amt. of Cash recd. of the Estate of S. McTamore 3 50
Mch. 8 Amt of Cash recd. of Jones & Earle for Park 321 25
Mch. 30 Amt of Cash recd. on settlement with Dr. W. F. Sykes 26 82

Contra Credits
Marh 3 By amt. cash paid W A Violrt for Groceries No 2 239 82
April 9 By amt. cash paid Pierce Daniel No 3 200 00
April 13 By amt. cash paid John Sevier No 4 7 50
April 13 By amt. cash paid McMahon V Pearsall invoice Sundries No 5 81 06
April 14 By amt. cash paid C. Gibson Overseer No 6 400 00
April 29 By amt cash pd. McMahon V Pearsall invoice Sundries No 7 76 28
May 1 By amt. cassh paid for 9 work horses as pr. 9 receipts No 8 458 00
May 22 By amt. paid R. Page Clerks fees No 9 41 00
June 15 By amt paid W. H. Mason (E [??] & Newsum) No 10 78 00
June 15 By amt. cash paid EdwardWordsworth No 11 50 00

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