Page 46
Amount credited brought forward S32/696/14
Amount debits broughts forward
August " 2 By asset frair W Hester Tan 746 Franklin County No 17/94/52
" " Amt of Note to Decatur Bank " 18.14/631819
" " " Amt of Note to Decatur Bank "19.10/701/93
sept " 27 amt Cash paid I Fanning "20/40/00
October " 13 amt Cash paid G W Harris "21/ 3/50
" " " amt cash paid Daniel Williams "22/6/35
" " 20 amt Cash paid Sackey & Leggits " 23/14/00
" " " amt Cash paid Heir Davis "24/14/00
" " 27 amt Cash paid Mrs Waters ( midwife) " 25/5/10
Jan 1849 6 amt cash paid J C Burrows " 26/7/60
" " " amt cash paid BB Havertine " 27/71/79
" " 10 amt cash paid to W A Perland "28/22/16
" " " amt cash paid GW Compton " 29/ 100/00
" " " amt cash paid James Eagle " 30/22/88
" " " amt cash paid Wann & Farris " 31/125 /04
" " 11 amt cash paid W W Casaglio "32 /3/78
" " 20 amt cash paid to W A Millam Tnc for 1847 "33/373/74
" " " amt cash paid A W & E S Mc Mahon "34/11/90
" " " amt cash paid B W Istele "35/56/88
March " 10 amt of receipt of D B Siger " 36/200/00
February " 7 amt of cash padi to WW Mclenantock "37/100/00
March " 30 amt cash paid Sunday freight bills "38/99/66
March 1848 11 amt cash paid JC Basket Co "39/14/70
April 1847 21 amt cash paid S W Shackelford & Co "41/314/32
Sept 1848 27 amt paid SPeaks & Petterson "40/216/32
April 1847 1 amt paid S W Schackelford & Co " 42/295/63
July 1846 30 amt paind branch vank of Kestsville " 43/95/00
Aug " 16 amt draft paid James J McMahon " 44/103/54
july 1864 22 amt paid McM aher & V Pearsall for S Hoals " 44/66/46
April 8 amt paid estates draft P J Watkins " 44/5803/20
" " amt paid F O Shearoos draft in favor of M W Sincleary " 44/526/67
Feb 11 amt cash for Oysters "44/2/00
April 16 amt paid estates draft in favor of J W Compton "44/500/00
May 17 amt paid McMaher & Pearsall in voice for Brandy "44/58/78
July 21 amt cash paid Mc MAher , Trotter & Pearsall Bal, ow accrued H Instead "44/890/10
July 21 amt cash paid M Brown for Bagging and rope " 44/212/65
April 5 amt paid E M Swoope on acct "43/775/00
April 21 amt WW Watkins Executor for monies paid out for the estate "46/806/60
" " amt of F O Sherro on executors account for moniwes paid out for the estate "47/1345/17 1/2
s/ 32/455/34 3/4
Earings in the hand of the executors and balance of two hundred s//240/79 1/4
and forty dollars leaving nine and one for the courts theirs pain in consider,
adjudged and decree by the court,that the foregoing --- child birth to receive as an annual
settlement of Frederick O Sharroo, Wm W Watkins and Richard Jones executors of the
last will and testame3nt of ------Sherroo deceased as far as June 5th 1848.
States Wiley Gall serving as CLerk
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