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by law & the practice of this court & complainantst waive said anwsers being
And complainants pray that this Honorable Court take jurisdiction of the
Administration of the Estate of said Benjamin Sherrod deceased under said
will and aid them with such orders & instructions & in the construction of said
will as they may from time to time require in the managment of said Estate
under said will & for all other relief that their case may require & finally
that said estate may be distributed & finally settled in this court & so will
ever pray &c

Peter & Hodges Sols for Compts

The State of Alabama} Personally came before me John H Hansell
Lawerence County } Register in Chancery for the 27th District, Northern
Division of said State Samuel W Shackelford who made oath in due form
of law that the matters & things stated in the foregoing Bill are true to the
best of his knowledge and belief
Sworn & subscribed before {S W Shackelford}
me this 24th Jan 1854
John H Hansell Register
Filed in my office this 24th Jan 1854 John H Hansell Register

The State of Alabama, Lawrence County. To any corner of the State
of Alabama_ Greeting.
You are hereby comanded to summon Sarah A Sherrod, Benjamin
Sherrod, Francis E Sherrod, Alice C Sherrod, Henry C Sherrod, Walter Sherrod
Samuel G Watkins, Richard Jones trustee of Susan A Shackelford, James W
Ligon administrator of the estate of Fredrick O A Sherrod dec'd, and John C
Burruss administrator of the estate of Wiliam W Swoope dec'd, if to be found
in your county, that they laying aside all excuse, appear before our next court
of Chancery to be held at Moulton in the in the 27th District, Northern Chancery Division
of said State on the 4th Monday in April next, and that they within thirty
days after service of this writ, plead to or answer, according to law, and the
rules of this Court, the bill of complaint, the amended bill and bill of
revivor of William W Watkins revived in the names of Samuel W Shackelford
and Charles F Sherrod administrator of the estate of Benjamin Sherrod
Complainants, dec'd, exhibited against the heirs and legatees of Benjamin Sherrod dec'd, et
al, and to do further and to receive, what our said Court shall have considered
in that behalf, and that this in no wise omit.
Here in fail not and have you this writ, with you return here on, at
the office of the Register of said Chancery Court within five days after
service of the same.

Witness J H Hansell, register of said Court, at office in the town, of
Moulton this 30th day of Jan in the year of our lord one thousand eight
hundred and fifty five, and of American Independence the 79th year
John H Hansell Register
Executed by leaving copies of the within summons with Richard
Jones, John C Burruss, Francis E Sherrod, Sarah A Sherrod, and with said
Sarah A Sherrod for Alice Sherrod, Benjamin Sherrod, Henry C Sherrod
and Walter Sherrod this 6th day of Febuary 1855. J M Watson Coroner
Samuel G Watkins and James W Ligon not found Feby 7th 1855
J M Watson

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