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The State of Alabama, Lawernce County. To any Coroner of the
state of Alabama-- Greeting
You are hereby commanded to summon Tabitha Sherrod,
Owen O Nelson admr of the Estate of Fredrick OA Sherrod dec'd,
Sarah A Sherrod, Benjamin Sherrod, Francis E Sherrod, Alice C Sherrod
Henry C Sherrod, Walter Sherrod, Suasn A Shackelford,
William C Sherrod, Samuel G Watkins, John C Burruss admr of the estate of
William W Swope decd, Richard Jones & William W Watkins
trustees of Mrs Susan A Shacklford and William W Watkins trustee
of Samuel W Sherrod if to be found in your county, that they
laying aside all excuse, personally appear before our next court of
Chancery to be held at Moulton in the 27th Chancery District, on
the 4th Monday in April instant and that they within thirty
days after service of this writ, answer accordingly to law and the
rules of this Court the bill of complaint, the amended Bill and Bill
of Revivor of William W Watkins revived in the names of
Samuel W Shackelford and Charles F Sherrod administrators of
Benjamin Sherrod dec'd, complainants, exhibited, against
them, and to do futher and receive, what our said court shall
have considered in that behalf, and that this in no wise admit
Herein fail not, and have you then and there this writ;
Witness J H Hansell Register of said court at office in the
town of Moulton this 10th day of April in the year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and fifty four and of American
Independance the seventy eight year -
John H Hansell Register
We acknowlege services of this prosess B Sherrod , W C Sherrod
O A Nelson admr F OSherrod, L A Shackelford, Talitha
Sherrod, WP Mc Mahan gaurdian of Francis E, Alice C Henry
& Walter Sherrod, WW Watkins
Exhibit A. Exhibit A of Supplemental Bill
for and in consideration of the sum of thirty one hundred thirty
six dollars & thirty eight cents to me in hand paid by
Samuel W Shakelford one of the administrators de bonis non with will annexed of
Benj Sherrod dc'd the receipt whereof is herby acknowledged, &
William W Watkins hereby sell & convey to said Shackelford admr as aforesaid
the folling mules, horse, colts for the use of the Estate of said
decesed- viz; Ten of the best work mules, also four inferior work mules
also four yearling mules, also one mule colt- also one year-
old filly- also one horse Colt, also One other filly, also One mare
Kit also one other mare Josaphine, aslo one other mare Sal,
also one other horse Bob, and two poneys, making in all nineteen mules
and eleven horses & colts, damages for Trover and conversion of
which James W Ligon as admr of Fredrick O A Sherrod recovered
judgment against me in the Circut Court of Franklin Co Ala at the
Sept Term 1852, to have & to hold to him as admr aforesaid witness
my hand June 29th 1853
Endorsed. Filed Jany 24 1854 John H Hansell Register } WW Watkins
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