Sherrod v. Sherrod's Administrators



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Gilbert aged 10 525 00 1200 bbls corn at 1.50 1800 00
Clabourn " 7 525 00 20,000 ths Fodder 62cts 125 00
Francis " 2 150 00 20,000ths [Bacon?] at 8cts 1600 00
Black Jim " 58 125 00 1000 head hogs supposer at 2 2000 00
Amy " 40 400 00 26 Mules at 75.00 1950 00
Sandy " 14 650 00 14 Mares at 45.00 630 00
Stephen " 12 500 00 22 Colts at 35.00 770 00
Sedpha " 8 350 00 9 Yoke Oxen at 30.00 270 00
Emily " 6 325 00 1 Set Blacksmiths tools 50 00
Serena " 4 250 00 300 ths Iron 7cts 21 00
Wade " 2 175 00 1 Set Carpenters tools 25 00
Jacob " 54 500 00 34 single carp pliers at 2. 68 00
Resetta " 19 675 00 14 " " " at 4 56 00
Jacob " 15 750 00 30 Side Harrows at 3 90 00
Nelson " 13 650 00 20 Bull Tongues at 1.50 30 00
Bradford " 13 650 00 34 Eagles at 3. 102 00
Caroline " 5 300 00 15 Cotton Openers 50cts 7 50
Edward " 3 250 00 6 double sheaves at 3. 18 00
Milton " 18 750 00 14 Harrows (wood) at 150 21 00
John " 5 500 00 112 head cattle at 8 896 00
Martha " 20 800 00 3 ox wagons 130 00
John " 5 300 00 Two 4 horse wagons 90 00
Betsey " 1 100 00 One 2 " " 45 00
Harriett " 35 500 00 Two " carts at 15 30 00
Virginia " 9 350 00 One old carriage 150 00
Ann " 7 300 00 One new [do??] 500 00
Catherine " 5 250 00 1 pair Carriage horses 225 00
Horas " 1 100 00 1 Jack Ass 500 00
Bill " 33 600 00 45 pair plerin grar at 2 90 00
Maria " 23 700 00 8 Scythes and Cradles at 6 16 00
Amy Jane " 4 225 00 Weeding Hoes
Jim ([Yellow]) " 60 200 00 Grubing do.
Kitty " 60 150 00 Pole Axes
Katy " 16 650 00 Iron Wedges
Jim ([Waver]) " 23 850 00 Spinning Wheels and Cards
Francis " 17 800 00 " Machine
Coleman " 23 825 00 1 Straw Cutter
Randall " 45 650 00 Weal Fan
Eveline " 12 550 00 Cotton Gins
Celice (Byer) " 50 300 00
Robinetta " 12 500 00
Manerva " 20 600 00 [Pend] Spring plantation
Patience " 8 275 00 1760 acres of land at 7. 12320 00
Agnes " 5 225 00 Slaves viz.Jack " 3 200 00 Lawrence age 26 825 00
Nelly " 60 000 00 Turner " 15 675 00
Household & Kitchen furniture 1813 00 Francis " 21 825 00
one old set silver plate 200 00 Lucy Ann " 6 300 00
Two looms and fixtures 30 00 A.S. Gibson " 4 250 00
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[Syny] age 20mos 175 00 Jack age 3 250 00
Caroline " 9 350 00 Aggy " 65 000 00
Evline " 2 175 00 Rachel " 35 450 00
Andrew " 50 450 00 Jerry " 21 850 00
Charity " 36 475 00 Sqire " 14 400 00
Jacob " 9 450 00 Manda " 12 500 00
Irena " 2 175 00 Rinda " 8 350 00
Ben " 35 650 00 Amy " 6 350 00
Salena " 33 600 00 Richmund " 4 275 00
Sylvia " 4 250 00 Thomas " 2 150 00
William " 1 125 00 Horace " 16 175 00
Lewis " 40 650 00 Jesse " 15 725 00
Aggy " 30 550 00 700 bbls corn at 1.0 1050 00
Major " 50 200 00 v 12 stacks of fodder at 6.00 72 00
Airy " 40 450 00 10 stacks of oats at 7.50 75 00
Rose " 10 450 00 10,000 ths B[aur] at 8cts 800 00
Wiley " 6 335 00 1 Reel 2 50
Jane " 7 330 00 1 Spinning Machine 200 00
Little Airy " 5 250 00 350 head of hogs at 2.00 700 00
Little Major " 3 175 00 115 Sheep at 1.00 115 00
Henry " 3 175 00 27 head cattle at 8.50 229 50
Allen " 3mos. 100 00 13 Mules at 75.00 975 00
George " 22 600 00 3 Mares and colts at 75.00 225 00
Delfa " 20 550 00 2 " " " at 8 82 50
Henry " 43 600 00 3 yokes of Oxen at 40.00 120 00
Kitty " 35 500 00 3 wagons 120 00
Sylla " 15 625 00 1 " and harness 75 00
[Gray] " 13 600 00 17 cary plows at 3.00 50 00
Susan " 11 425 00 8 Side Harrows at 4.00 32 00
Ellen " 9 325 00 15 Bull tongues at 1.50 22 50
Simpson " 6 300 00 1 set Blacksmiths tools 50 00
Maria " 6 250 00 " " " " 35 00
Andrew " 2 175 00 16 sets plow gear at 1.50 24 00
Taylor & Scott twins 4mos. 150 00
Jack " 35 675 00
Dolly " 30 450 00 Hard Bargain Plantation
Liucia " 25 800 00 200 acres land at 8.00 16000 00
Maria " 6 350 00 Davy (Cripple) age 33 200 00
America " 3mos. 100 00 Moses " 38 650 00
Lattian (Blacksmith) 37 850 00 Betsy " 46 400 00
Mary " 23 625 00 Amandy " 16 650 00
Jenny " 40 400 00 Ellen " 14 625 00
John " 13 625 00 Salena " 12 550 00
Sevina " 9 400 00 Jefferson " 10 500 00
Harry " 40 500 00 Mary " 5 250 00
Sandy " 9 500 00 Gilbert " 37 525 00
Lucinda " 7 350 00 Sally " 30 450 00
Anderson " 5 350 00 Nancy " 18 650 00
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Peyton aged 10 750 00 Jo aged 46 450 00
Fields " 10 575 00 Louisa " 18 550 00
Coleman " 7 350 00 Burley " 16 700 00
Frances " 2 200 00 Soloman " 14 670 00
Billy " 48 500 00 Arrora " 2 125 00
Sarah " 40 350 00 Sam " 45 500 00
George " 19 750 00 Violete " 32 500 00
William " 9 450 00 Charles " 20 750 00
Eliza " 7 375 00 Isaac ([unknown word]) 16 350 00
Rose " 70 000 00 Anderson " 12 275 00
Frank " 5 250 00 Aggy " 9 300 00
John " 35 450 00 Polly Ann " 4 250 00
Betty (unhealthy) " 40 200 00 Sam " 1 100 00
Jane " 19 675 00 Kitty " 45 450 00
Daniel " 60 200 00 Peter " 41 750 00
Dafney " 60 120 00 Cuffie " 13 650 00
Peggy " 21 700 00 13 work mules at 35.00 455 00
Daniel " 4 250 00 2 Mares and colts 75 00
Carroll " 11 mos. 125 00 2 Old Mares 00 00
Catherine " 6 325 00 700 bbls corn 1.50 1050 00
Grace " 28 650 00 20.000tts Fodder 63 1/2 125 00
Adaline " 10 460 00 4 Stacks of oats at 7.50 30 00
Wilson " 8 425 00 10,000tts Bacon at 8cts 800 00
Campbell " 6 425 00 3 Yokes of Oxen .. 30.00 90 00
Nicholas " 30 650 00 1 Old Ox wagon 10 00
Letty " 40 375 00 Two 4 horse do 145 00
Agustus " 17 750 00 One 2 " " 60 00
Bartley " 15 700 00 8 cotton [covers] 1.50 12 00
Richmond " 10 550 00 8 [Openers] 50 4 00
Charity " 12 450 00 15 Single [legers] 3.00 45 00
Lewis " 6 350 00 4 Double do 5.00 20 00
Davis " 4 275 00 15 Sweeps 2.50 37 50
Walker " 10 mos. 100 00 15 Side Harrows 3.00 45 00
Lucinda (unhealthy) " 35 100 00 12 Bull Tongue Stocks 1.00 12 00
Clarissa " 17 650 00 6 Shovel plow [hos] 1.00 6 00
Daphney " 14 625 00 23 Sel plow gear 2.00 46 00
Judy Ann " 12 475 00 Set Carpenter Tools 5 00
James " 4 275 00 4 Scythe and Cradles 1.50 6 00
Delpha " 25 750 00 Set Blacksmiths Tools & Iron 25 00
Irich " 23 700 00 3 Large Iron Kettles 15.00 45 00
Susannah " 21 750 00 1 Loom and Fixtures 10 00
Eustis " 20 750 00 400 head of hogs at 2.00 800 00
Phebe " 19 675 00 130 Sheep " 1.00 130 00
Arch " 13 600 00 20 head cattle " 3.50 90 00
Sely " 11 500 00 On Cotton Garden planatation
Peg " 9 450 00 Omitted
Lucy " 7 275 00 227 head Sheep at 1.00 227 00
Scott " 3 175 00
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18 The State of Alabama. Personally appeard before me Nathan Gallaway Lawrence County. ss: an acting Justice of the peace in and for said county Orin Davis, Dewy Mayes and Stephen W. Harris who being duly sworn depose and say (that the foregoing contains in pages from One to 9 inclusive contains a true valuation and appraisement of the estate of the late Benjamin Sherrodin said county as shown us by the Executors of the said Benjamin Sherrod deceased. Orin Davis Sworn to and subscribed before me D Mays this 1st day of June 1847. Stephen W. Harris Nathan Gallaway Justice of the Peace

Continuation of Inventory of Est One spinning machine on the of Benjamin Sherrod Cotten Garden Planation not appraised 20 Shares Stock ( of 1,000.00) of Claim v. Robt. O. Nelson in suit New York & Mississippi Company in Sumpter County Ala amt Claim v. H.W. Rhodes & Others not known for about $15,000 in suit in the Courts Bill of Exchange for B. Sherrod of Mississippi by G.W. Carroll for $1500 as Unascertained claim vs. Tuscumbia reported by F.O. Sherrod Court & Decatur Railroad Company Crop of cotton now on hand grown in 1846. 1 vacant lot in the town of Courtland In addition to the foregoing there 1 house and lot in same house are I believe 3 Jennies and foals untenable belonging to the estate of Col 25 Pole Axes Sherrod before his death sent 60 winding hoes them to Tennessee to a Jack 16 Matracks W.W. Watkins 8 Iron wedges, 20 Spinning Wheels

Inventory and valuation of the property at the Chantilla Plantation, Franklin County, made by Col. G.W. Carroll, Dr. N.J. Houston and Edward Pearsale Esqr. 29th April 1847.

Name of Slaves age Name of Slaves age " 15 Crisey 16 600|00 No. 1 Steven 40 650\00 " 16 Linda 14 600|00 " 2 Celia 35 500|00 " 17 Leah 11 400|00 " 3 John 17 600|00 " 18 Clarissa 20 350|00 " 4 Spencer 14 500|00 " 19 Emeline 2 150|00 " 5 Charles 12 500|00 " 20 Jo 55 75|00 " 6 Alfred 39 600|00 " 21 Lucky 50 75|00 " 7 Harriett 35 400|00 " 22 Sam 27 800|00 " 8 Hensen 17 800|00 " 23 Sylvester 21 850|00 " 9 Albert 15 650|00 " 24 Samuel 23 800|00 " 10 Marinda 13 500|00 " 25 Carity 32 550|00 " 11 Daniel 11 500|00 " 26 Archil 10 600|00 " 12 Robert 9 500|00 " 27 Maria 6 200|00 " 13 Govner [??] 60 150|00 " 28 Coleman 17m 150|00 " 14 Polly 47 000|00 " 19 Allen 40 700|00

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19 No. 30 Mary age 35 600|00 " 65 Jasper age 22 800|00 " 31 Sarah 10 450|00 " 66 Ailsey 55 25|00 " 32 Sam (to) 5 200|00 " 67 Laris 50 500|00 " 33 Darcas 3 150|00 " 68 Serra 40 350|00 " 34 Dick (Blacksmith) 35 800|00 " 69 Tom 19 800|00 " 35 Marinda 27 600|00 " 70 Wilson 17 400|00 " 36 Major 12 500|00 " 71 Arch 16 400|00 " 37 Rosetta 5 200|00 " 72 Dick (yellow) 19 800|00 " 38 Bedford 17 m 150|00 " 73 Bill 17 800|00 " 39 Harriott (Big) 60 600|00 " 74 Mansfieto 15 800|00 " 40 Baker 17 500|00 " 75 Edward 14 800|00 " 41 Harrison 8 325|00 " 76 Frank 12 800|00 " 42 Patience 2?m 100|00 " 77 Emily 21 1000|00 " 43 Peter (Blue) 40 600|00 " 78 Henry 5 300|00 " 44 Letty 30 500|00 " 79 Dallis 2 200|00 " 45 [Aethi] 14 500|00 " 80 Almri 40 600|00 " 46 Dennis 14 700|00 " 81 Milly 36 500|00 " 47 Delia 32 550|00 " 82 Synthia 17 650|00 " 48 [Kizziah] 12 500|00 " 83 [Syller] 13 650|00 " 49 Syrus 8 400|00 " 84 Clerrine 10 500|00 " 50 Wyatt 6 200|00 " 85 Charles 8 500|00 " 51 Amy 1 100|00 " 86 Tyler 6 300|00 " 52 Banks 29 700|00 " 87 Lisbon 3 150|00 " 53 Hester 30 500|00 " 88 Lindsey 19 800|00 " 54 Dolly 8 300|00 " 89 Mahala 20 600|00 " 55 Zack 6 250|00 " 90 Jacob 2 150|00 " 56 Patsy 27 550|00 " 91 Margaret 1 m. 100|00 " 57 Francis 10 350|00 " 92 Rose 60 100|00 " 58 Richmond 7 300|00 " 93 Eli 17 800|00 " 59 Dick (Blacksmith) 35 300|00 " 94 Herbert X 21 100|00 " 60 William 32 800|00 " 61 Sophy 25 600|00 " 62 William (??) mo 24 m 150|00 " 63 Child 1 100|00 " 64 Manuel 70 000|00

150 head sheep at 1.00 per 150|00 22 pr. plow gear at 2.00 per pr 44|00 40 cattle " 8.00 320|00 Blacksmith tools & iron 60|00 6 yokes oxen " 40.00 yoke 240|00 Carpenters tools 30|00 Stallion [Heark???] 300|00 2 horses at 40.00 each 80|00 15 Cary ploughs at 2.00 & 15 1600 acres of land at 18.00 per acre 28,800|00 Bull tongues at 1.50 52|50 450 head hogs at 2.00 per head 900|00 15 sweeps at 2.00 6 double 13 mules at 85 per mule 1105|00 Carys at 3.00 48|00 1500 pounds of {baun??} at 10 pr bb 1500}00 3 wagons at 65.00 each 195|00 350 bbls corn at 2.00 700|00 18 stacks of fodder 7.50 per sth 135|00 Spinning machine 125|00 1 [Whea] 10.00 1 Loom 15.00 25|00

Last edit 5 months ago by Amelia H. Chase
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