Sherrod v. Sherrod's Administrators



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[left margin] Order of Appes property in Lawrence County

On the application of F. O. A. Sherrod Wm W. Watkins & Richard Jones Executors of the last Will and Testament of Benj'n Sherrod decd It is Ordered by the Court that John M. Swoope, Orin Davis, Drury Mayes, David Gilchrist, Thomas Ashford and Stephen W. Harris, who or a Majority of whom after being sworn be appointed Commissioners to appraise the property belonging to said decedent, (Lawrence) County and that they make due return of their proceedings in the premises to this Court within 3 months from this date.

[left margin] Order of Appes not in Franklin]

On the application of F. O. A. Sherrod, Wm W. Watkins & Richard Jones Executors of the last Will and Testament of Benj. Sherrod deceased, It is Ordered by the Court that Nathan J. Houston, John Hogar Sr Edward Pearsall and George W. Carroll who or a majority of whom after being duly sworn be appointed Commissioners to appraise the Real and personal Estate of said decedent (Franklin County) and that they make due return of their proceedings in the premises to this Court within three months from this date.

[left margin] Order to sell cotten crop 1846.

On the application of F. O. A. Sherrod, W. W. Watkins, and Richd Jones Executors of the last Will and Testament of Benjamin Sherrod decd. It is Ordered by the Court that they be authorized to sell the Cotten Crop of 1846. belonging to the State of said decedent at private sale and that they make due return of their proceedings in the premises to this Court within 3 months from this date.

At the May Term 1847. these Orders were made.

[left margin] Order to Record[?] Inventory & Appraisement Lawrence Cty.

On the application of Wm W Watkins and Richard Jones two of the Executors of the last Will and Testament of Benj. Sherrod deceased ; It is Ordered by the Court that the Inventory and appraisement of the Real and personal property belonging to the Estate of said decedent in Lawrence County Alabama as returned and sworn to by said Executors be received and admitted to Record

[left margin] Invent. & Appres. in Franklin County.

On the application of Wm W. Watkins and Rick Jones two of the Executors of the last Will and Testament of Benjamin Sherrod deceased ; It is Ordered by the Court that the Inventory of Appraisement of the Real and personal property belonging to the Estate of said decedent, in Franklin County Alabama as returned and sworn to by said Executors and admitted to Record.

State of Alabama Lawrence County

Orphans Court June Term 1847. Present the Hon. R. O. Pickett Judge of said Court

[left margin] Inventory & Appesmnt.

On the application of Wm W. Watkins and Richard Jones two of the individuals named and qualified as Executors of the last Will and Testament of Benjamin Sherrod deceased, It is Ordered by the Court that the Inventory and Appointment as Returned and Sworn to by said Executors be received and admitted to Record, which is in the word and figures following, to wit

Appraisement and Inventory of Est of Benj. Sherrod died in Lawrence County Ala.

Cotten Garden Plantation $34,336.00

Last edit over 1 year ago by carolfink
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Page 31 (Columns) Slaves Shaderick age 75 000 00 Charry (unhealthy age 25 350 00 Sylvia " 30 600 00 P[aige] (one eyed ) " 16 300 00 Ellen " 16 600 00 Reubin " 14 400 00 Mack " 14 600 00 Pelinda " 12 450 00 Ott[?]o " 12 650 00 Ailsey " 10 375 00 Achilees " 10 475 00 Charity " 8 300 00 Alice " 5 250 00 Fridereck " 5 250 00 Tammy " 51 100 00 [T] Eezziah " 3 150 00 Sylvia " 33 550 00 Martha Ann " 2 100 00 Adaline " 9 300 00 Emeline (unhealthy) " 34 350 00 Harriet " 5 225 00 Julia Ann " 14 700 00 Laurence " 3 175 00 Martin " 10 500 00 mos Rebecca " 4 100 00 Frank (Blacksmith) " 60 500 00 Mansfield " 55 525 00 Pat " 75 000 00 Lucy " 46 400 00 Syrus " 20 800 00 Be[v] " 9 450 00 Gray " 27 800 00 Perrie " 11 450 00 Mary " 26 700 00 Rebecca " 5 250 00 Nancy " 17 650 00 Nancy " 25 575 00 Abram " 16 650 00 B[y]rew " 7 300 00 Robert " 4 200 00 mos Ruthy Ann " 5 225 00 Arthur " 6 100 00 Frank " 3 200 00 Washington " 46 600 00 mos Ben Hawkins " 6 100 00 Darius " 50 150 00 Sandy " 60 100 00 Phenb[?] " 17 650 00 Matilda " 44 150 00 Joshua " 15 600 00 Lowder (Rhuematic) " 21 350 00 Anthony " 14 600 00 Ly{??]is " 18 625 00 Nelsen " 12 450 00 Isaac " 17 650 00 Polly " 9 335 00 A[merica] " 16 600 00 Ellis " 6 300 00

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Page 32 (Left Column) A[????]ment Contd ("I") ("I") ("I") ("I") ("I") ("I") ("I") ("I") Billy age 35 450 00 Edmund age 2 200 00 Rhoda " 20 575 00 Ceaser " 44 600 00 Robert " 40 500 00 Maria " 40 400 00 Eliza " 28 600 00 [C]eceline " 16 600 00 Peggy " 8 375 00 Melissa " 18 600 00 Lewis " 5 300 00 Sylivia " 9 400 00 Mariah " 1 100 00 Coleman " 7 400 00 Abram " 50 350 00 Melvinia " 5 300 00 Elvira " 18 650 00 Peter Sear " 35 700 00 Airy " 16 650 00 Lily " 25 575 00 Amey " 3 175 00 Phil " 25 750 00 William " 1 100 00 Dolly " 9 375 00 Tom " 35 750 00 Gramima " 5 225 00 Visey " 25 450 00 Clary " 75 000 00 Jenny " 20 650 00 Susan " 25 600 00 Wilson " 1 100 00 [F]amy " 20 650 00 Levi " 3 225 00 Aaron " 10 650 00 Jim Bri[o]hley " 40 550 00 Caroline " 8 325 00 Phelei[s] " 25 600 00 Permelia " 5 200 00 Edie " 10 400 00 Milly " 7 325 00 Judge " 8 400 00 Caladonia " 4 200 00 Delia " 4 250 00 Leetha Ann " 4 200 00 Letty " 4 250 00 Howard " 2 175 00 Banks " 1 100 00 Maso[n] " 2 175 00 Bob " 58 250 00 Gray " 6 mos 100 00 Mary " 35 450 00 Wyat[t] " 23 600 00 Lavinia " 15 600 00 Kizza " 28 600 00 Berry " 13 550 00 Milledge " 10 500 00 Mack (deformed hand) age 17 400 00 Willis " 9 400 00 Octiow age 11 400 00 Charles " 8 400 00 Henderson " 6 350 00 [Elderd] " 6 350 00 Mary Ann " 4 250 00 Louisa " 4 175 00 Frank " 1 100 00 Scott " 6 mos 100 00 Emily " 30 550 00 Cooper Joe " 55 250 00 Church[w]ill " 20 800 00 Mary " 50 175 00 Henry " 6 325 00 A[l]esm " 11 450 00 Esther " 30 550 00 George " 40 600 00 Addison " 2 175 00 Matilda " 42 350 00 Margaret " 14 350 00 Jerry " 14 650 00 James " 8 325 00 Susan " 12 400 00 Isabel (bad eyes) " 14 100 00 Henry " 10 500 00 George " 12 550 00 Priscilla " 8 325 00 Eliza " 9 400 00 Dandy " 6 250 00 Ellis " 50 450 00 Richmund " 3 200 00 Melvinia " 35 400 00 Bi[w] " 35 600 00 Milly " 25 625 00 Moses " 35 600 00 Selina " 8 400 00 Sena " 35 475 00 Sophy " 6 300 00 Sophy " 15 550 00 Henrietta " 5 250 00 Ransom " 16 500 00

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Page 33 (Left Column) Innvt[?]y Courts

Name Age Price Name Age Price
Mary age 12 400 00 Earline age 12 550 00
William age 9 400 00 Celia Byrd age 50 300 00
Robinetta age 2 175 00 Robinnetta age 12 500 00
Sherman age 42 600 00 Manerva age 20 600 00
Ily (unhealthy) age 35 300 00 Patience age 8 275 00
Phamy age 20 650 00 Agnes age 5 275 00
Kiz age 6 mos 100 00 Jack age 3 200 00
Jack (one eyed) age 35 200 00 [Nelly} age 60 000 00
Lucy age 30 450 00 ( )
Daniel age 15 675 00 Household & Kitchen Furniture 1813 00
Jack age 13 550 00 One old set Silver plate 200 00
Gelbert age 10 525 00 2 Looms & Fixtures 30 00
Claborn age 7 525 00 12 [lbls] Corn @ 1.50 1800 00
Francis age 2 150 00 20000th Fodder @ 62 1/2 125 00
Black Jim age 58 125 00 20000th Bacon @ 8 1600 00
Amy age 40 400 00 1000 head hogs [??} @ c/o 2 2000 00
Sandy age 14 650 00 26 mules @c/o 75 1950 00
Stephen age 12 500 00 14 mares at c/o 45. 630 00
Zilpa age 8 350 00 22 colts at c/o 35 770 00
Emily age 6 325 00 9 Yokes of Oxen at c/o 30 270 00
Solena age 4 250 00 1 Set Blacksmiths Tools 50 00
Wade age 2 175 00 300th Iron at 7th 21 00
Jacob age 54 500 00 1 Set Carpenteres Tools 25 00
Rosetta age 19 675 00 34 Single Cary plows at c/o 2. 68 00
Jacob age 15 750 00 14 double Cary plows at c/o 4. 56 00
Wilson age 13 650 00 30 Side Harrons at c/o 3 90 00
Bradford age 12 650 00 20 Bull Tongues at c/o 1.50 30 00
Caroline age 5 300 00 34 Eagles at c/o 3.00 102 00
Edward age 3 200 00 15 Cotton Openers at 50 cts 7 50
Mittow age 18 750 00 6 double Shares at c/o 3. 00 18 00
John agae 15 500 00 Harrows (wood) at c/o 1.50. 21 00
Martha age 20 800 00 112 Herd Cattle at c/o 8.00 896 00
John age 5 300 00 3 Ox Wagons 130 00
Betsey age 1 100 00 2 four horse Wagons 90 00
Harriet age 35 500 00 1 two horse Wagons 45 00
Virginia age 9 350 00 2 horse Carts at c/o 15.00 30 00
Ann age 7 300 00 1 Old Carriage 150 00
Catherine age 5 250 00 1 New Carriage 500 00
Har[aw} age 1 100 00 1 pr. Horses 225 00
Bill age 33 600 00 1 Jack ass 500 00
Maria age 25 700 00 45 pr plow gear at c/o 2. 90 00
Anna Jane age 4 225 00 8 Scthes & Cradles at c/o 2. 16 00
Jim (Yellow) age 60 200 00 Weeding hoes
Kitty age 60 150 00 Grubbing hoes
Katy age 16 650 00 Poll axes
Jim (Weaver) age 23 850 00 Iron Wedges
Francis age 17 800 00 Spinning Wheels
Coleman age 23 825 00 Cards
Randol age 45 650 00 Cards Machine
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Page 34 (Left Column) Appraisement

Name Age Price Name Age Price
1 Straw Cutter Sousa age 25 800 00
Wheat Fan Maria age 6 350 00
Cotten Gins America age 3 mos 100 00
Latham (blacksmith) age 57 850 00
Pond Spring Plantation Mary age 23 625 00
1760 Acres of Sand at c/o 7. 12320 00 Jenny age 40 400 00
Slaves viz John age 13 625 00
Laurence age 26 875 00 Lavinia age 9 400 00
Turner age 15 675 00 Harry age 40 500 00
Francis age 21 825 00 Sandy age 9 500 00
Lucy Ann age 6 300 00 Lucinda age 7 350 00
A. S. Gibson age 4 mos 250 00 Andersen age 5 350 00
Levi age 20 mos 170 00 Jack age 3 250 00
Martha age 30 800 00 Yellow Shadrick age 65 000 00
Caroline age 9 350 00 Aggy age 65 000 00
Eveline age 2 175 00 Rachel age 35 450 00
Andrew age 50 450 00 Jerry age 21 825 00
Charity age 36 475 00 Sqire age 14 400 00
Jacob age 9 450 00 Manda age 12 500 00
I[u]na age 2 175 00 Richmond age 6 275 00
Ben age 35 650 00 Thomas age 2 150 00
Salena age 23 600 00 Horace age 16 725 00
Sylva age 4 250 00 Joe age 15 725 00
William age 1 125 00 700 lb Corn c/o1.50 1050 00
Lewis age 40 650 00 17 Stacks fodder at c/o 6.00 72 00
Aggy age 30 550 00 10 Stacks Oats at c/o 7.50 75 00
Major age 50 200 00 10000 lbs Bacon at c/o 8.00 800 00
Airy age 40 450 00 1 Reel 2 50
Rose age 10 450 00 1 Spinning Machine 20 00
Wiley age 6 325 00 35 head hogs at c/o 2.00 700 00
Jane age 7 320 00 115 Sheep at c/o 1.00 115 00
Little Airy age 5 250 00 27 cattle c/o 8.50 229 50
Major age 3 175 00 13 Mules c/o 75 00 975 00
Henry age 3 175 00 3 Mares & Colts c/o 75. 225 00
Allen age 3 mos 100 00 2 Mares & Colts at c/o 82.50 82 50
George age 22 600 00 3 Yokes Oxen at 40 120 00
Delphy age 30 550 00 3 Wagons for 120 00
Henry age 43 600 00 1 Wagon Harness 75 00
Kitty age 35 500 00 17 Cary plows at c/o 3.00 51 00
Sylla age 15 625 00 8 Side Harrows at c/o 4.00 32 00
Gray age 13 600 00 15 Bull Tongues at c/o 1.50 22 50
Susan age 11 475 00 Set of Blacksmiths Tools 50 00
Ellen age 9 325 00 Set Carpenters ditto 35 00
Simpson age 6 300 00 16 Sets plow gear at c/o 1.50 20 00
Maria age 4 250 00
Andrew age 2 175 00
Tayler & Scott (Twins) age 4 mos 150 00
Jack age 35 675 00
Dolly age 30 450 00
Last edit about 1 year ago by elainehinch
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