Sherrod v. Sherrod's Administrators



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(Left Column) Land Slaves

Hard Bargain Plantation |------------------------------------------|-----|----------|----------|-----|----------------------|-----|-----|----------|----- Judy Assn age 12 475 00 20000 Acres of land at c/o 800 16000 James age 4 275 00 Davy (cripple) age 23 200 00 Delphia age 25 750 00 Moses age 38 200 00 Trish age 23 700 00 Betsy age 46 400 00 Susannah age 21 750 00 Amanda age 16 650 00 Eustis age 20 750 00 Ellen age 14 625 00 Phebe age 19 675 00 Salona age 12 550 00 Arch age 13 600 00 Jefferson age 10 500 00 Seley age 11 500 00 Mary age 5 250 00 Pegg age 9 450 00 Gilbert age 37 525 00 Lucy age 7 275 00 Sally age 30 450 00 Scott age 3 175 00 Nancy age 18 650 00 Joe age 46 450 00 Peyton age 16 750 00 Louisa age 18 550 00 Fields age 10 575 00 Busby age 16 700 00 Coleman age 7 350 00 Soleman age 14 675 00 Francis age 2 200 00 Aerma age 2 125 00 Billy age 48 500 00 Sam age 45 500 00 Sarah age 40 350 00 Violet age 32 500 00 George age 19 750 00 Isaac (fitefud) age 16 350 00 Eliza age 7 375 00 Anderson age 12 275 00 Rose age 70 000 00 Aggy age 9 300 00 Frank age 5 250 00 Polly Ann age 4 200 00 John age 35 450 00 Sam age 1 100 00 Betty (unhealthy) age 40 200 00 Kitty age 45 450 00 Jane age 19 675 00 Peter age 41 700 00 Daniel age 60 200 00 Cuffer age 13 650 00 Daphna age 60 150 00 13 Work mules at c/o 35 455 00 Peggy age 21 700 00 2 Mares and Colts 75 00 Danil age 4 250 00 2 Old mares 000 00 Carroll age 11 mos 125 00 700 [??] Corn at c/o 1.50 1050 00 Catherine age 6 325 00 30 000 pound of fodder at 63 1/2 125 00 Gra[ce] age 28 650 00 4 Stacks Oats at c/o 7.50 30 00 Adelina age 10 400 00 10000 [ter] Ba[les] at 8 800 00 Wilson age 8 425 00 3 Yoke Oxen at 30 90 00 Campbell age 6 425 00 One Ox Wagon 70 00 Nicholas age 25 825 00 One Old [?] 10 00 Abr[a]line age 30 650 00 a 4 horse [?] 105 00 Betty age 40 375 00 1.2. [?] 60 00 Augustus age 17 750 00 8 Cotton C[over??] at 1.50 12 00 Bartty age 15 700 00 8 Cotton O[???] at 50 4 00 Charity age 12 450 00 15 Single Cary[s] at 3.00 45 00 Lewis age 6 350 00 4 double Cary[s] at 5.00 20 00 Davis age 4 275 00 15 S[weeps] at 2.50 37 00 Walker age 10 mos 100 00 15 Side Harrows 45 00 Lucinda (unhealthy) age 35 100 00 12 Bull [?ingus] stocks at c/o 1. 12 00 Clarissa age 17 650 00 6 Shovel plow hoes at c/o 1. 6 00 Daphney age 14 625 00 23 Set plow gear at c/o 2 43 00

Last edit about 1 year ago by SandiRobertson
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(Left Column) Court A[???]

|----------------------------------------------|----------|-----|---------------------------------|----------|----- Set of Carpenters Tools 5 00 16 Matrooks 4 Scythes & Cradles at 1.50 6 00 8 Iron Wedges. 2 Spinning Wheels Set Blacksmith Tools & Iron 25 00 1 [??] Machine on the Cott[on] Garden 3 Large Iron Kettles at c/o 15. 45 00 Plantation not appraised. 1 Loom & Fisctures 10 00 Claim vs Roberet A. Baker in Suit 400 head of hogs at c/o 2. 800 00 in Sumpter County Ala amt not known. 130 Sheep at c/o 1. 130 00 Bill of Exchange for B. Sherrod drawn 20 Cattle at 3.50 70 00 by G. W. Carroll for c/o 1500 as reported by || || || F. O. Sherrod. On Cotton Garden Plantation || || Crop of Cotten now on hand unsold 227 head Sheep at c/o 1.00 227 00 grown in 1846 || || || In addidtion to the forgoing there are The State of Alabama || || I believe three Jennetts and foals belong Laurence County || || ing to the Est of Col. Sherrod. before his Personally appeared before me Nathan death sent them to Tennessee to a Jack. J. Gallaway an acting Justice of the W W. Watkins Peace and and for said County Orin || || || Davis, Drury Mayes & Stephen W || || Inventory and Valuation of Property at Harris who bring duly sworn de the Chantilly Plantation Franklin County pose and say that the foregoing tests made by Col G. W. Carroll Dr. N. J. Hous contained from pages One to Nine || || ton and Edward Pearsall Esgn. 29 April inclusive contains a true Value || || 1847. - [?] and appraisement of the estate || || Name of Slaves age of the late Benjamin Sherrod in || || No. 1 Stephen age 40 660 00 said County as shown [?] by the No. 2 Lily age 35 500 00 Executives of the said Bejamin Sher No. 3 John age 17 600 00 -rod and || || No 4. Spencer age 14 550 00 Sworn to and Subscribed before me this || || No. 5 Charles age 12 500 00 15th day of June 1847. Orin Davis || || No. 6 Alfred age 39 600 00 N. J. Gallaway D. Mayes || || No. 7 Hariett age 35 400 00 Justice of the Peace Stephen W Harris || || No 8 Henson age 17 8 00

Last edit about 1 year ago by SandiRobertson
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Page 37 Left Column Value Right Column Value " 26 Archie Age 10 400.00 " 75 Edward Age 14 800.00 " 27 Maria " 6 200.00 " 76 Frank " 12 800.00 " 28 [1 name illegible] " 1 Yr[?] " 29 Allen " 40 " 30 Mary " 35 " 31 Sarah " 10 " 32 Sim (h) " 5 " 33 Dorcur [?] " 3 " 34 Deck (Blacksmith) " 35 " 35 Mariwda [?] " 27 " 36 Major " 13 " 37 Rosetta [?] " 5 " 38 Bedford " 1 Yr " 39 Harriett " 40 Bahes [?] " 41 Harrison " 42 Patience " 43 Peter (Bull[?]) " 44 Betty " 45 " 46 Dennis " 47 Delia " 48 Kizziah " 49 Syrus " 50 Hyal [?] " 51 Amy " 52 Banks " 53 Hester " 54 Dotty " 55 Zach " 56 Patsey " 57 Francis " 58 Richmond " 59 Dick (Blacksmith) " 60 William " 61 Sophy " 62 William (1 word illegible) " 63 Child [?] " 64 Manuel " 65 Jasper " 66 Ailley [?] " 67 Servis " 68 Tony " 69 Tim " 70 Wilson " 71 Arah [?] " 72 Deck (Mellow [?]) " 73 Bill " 74 Mannfilto [?]

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38 Commissioners appointed by the judge of the Orphans Court of Laurence County to appraise the Estate of Benjamin Sherrod deceased, in Franklin County aforesaid who being duly sworn say on their Oaths that the foregoing is a true inventory and appraisement, just and fair of all the Estate of Benj. Sherrod dec.d as shown to them by the Executors of said Estate on the Chantilly plantation in said County on the 29th day of April 1847, to the best of their skill and belief. sworn to and subscribed before me. Given under my hand and seal, this 15 day of May 1847. W.G. Thompson JP [Seal] N.J. Houston Edward [Pearsall?] S.W. Carroll

Alabama Laurence County Personally appeared before me Nathan J. Gallaway Justice of the peace in and for said County W.W. Watkins and Richard Jones Executors of the last Will and Testament of Benj. Sherrod dec.d and being duly sworn say that the foregoing is a true Inventory of the Estate of said dec.d to the best of their knowledge so far as come into their hands including the property appraised in Franklin County, Sworn to and subscribed before me this 19th June 1847. N.G. Gallaway Justice of the Peace. W.W. Watkins Richard Jones

Order for annual settlement On the application of Frederick O Sherrod, William W. Watkins and Richard Jones Executors of the last Will and Testament of Benj. Sherrod dec'd, and they having filed their accounts and Vouchers; It is Ordered by the Court that make an annual settlement of their said Executorship, at an Orphans Court to be holden for said County at the Courthouse in the town of Moulton on the first Monday in June next and that forty days notice thereof be given by [1 word illegible] Copies of this order posted up at the door of the Court house in Moulton and three other public places in said County.

Annual Settlement June 1848 On the application of Frederick O. Sherrod, Wm. W. Watkins and Richard Jones Executors of the last Will and Testament of Benj. Sherrod deceased, for an annual settlement of this said Executorship and they having heretofore, to wit at the April Term of this Court in the present year filed their accounts of their settlement with the Court and the same having been duly examended and an account there of Stated and Reported by the Judge of said Court and forty days notice thereof having been given by advertisements posted up at the door of the Court house in Moulton and at these other public places in said County agreeably to law and in pursuance of an Order of said Court made at the said April term thereof an no person having appeared to Contest said Settlement It is now Ordered by the Court that the account as Stated and Reported as aforesaid be allowed and that the same with the other proceedings had in said Settlement be recorded on the Minutes of this Court, which are in the words and figures following, to wit,

Annual Settlement June 1848. Richard Jones and Wm. W. Watkins and Frederick O Sherrod Executors of the last Will and Testament of Benjamin Sherrod dec.d in annual account of the Orphans Court of Laurence County June 5th 1848.

1846 July 31 To Acct. Cash rec.d of Sam.l Chapman $ 35 00
1847 March 1 To Acct Cash in B. Sherrod.s possession at the time of his death $ 72 00
Amt debts Carried forward $ 107 00
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Amt. debits brot forward c/o 107 00
March 4 To amt nett proceeds of 69 Bales of Cotton 2957 93
March 4 To amt of Cash reced. of R. S. Tirrell for Beef 3 50
April 1 To amt proceeds of 163 Bales of Cotton 6397 61
April 1 To amt of Exchange on c/o 1375. Tennessee Money, Recd at 2 per cent 27 50
April 14 To amt cash recd , of C. Gibson for sales at Hard Bargain 7 25
July 15 To amt, dividend of New York and Miss. Sand Company
and Exchange or Same 3323 97
July 15 To amt proceeds of 23 Bales Cotton sold Martin County [?] 889 28
July 30 To amt, recd, of N. G. Housten Alsierce 95 00
August 2 To amt. proceed of Advance on 13 Bales of Cotton shipped to Liverpool 371 39
August 2 To amt. proceed of Advance on 453 bales of Cotten shipped to Liverpool 16069 89
August 2 To amt. proceed one bale Cotton 42 48
August 2 To amt proceed 4 bales Cotton damaged 42 90 }
August 2 To amt. of premium on c/o 90000. thirty days checks recd
at 1 percent discount 90 00
August 2 To amt. premium on c/o 5000 sixty days checks rec.d
August at 1/[1/4] per cent discount 62 50
August 2 Amt premium on c/o 1228 86/100 sixty day Check 1 [1/4] discount 15 36
Septr. Amt . cash recd. of C. Gibson from Sales at Hard bargain 11 25
Septr. 13 Amt Cash recd. advance on Shipmenet 163 Bales Cotton
to Liverpool 778 60
Octr. 23 Amt Cash recd. for four Bales Cotton 156 70
Jany 12 Amt. of Cash recd. of Thomas Jones on acct. 5 00
Jany 12 Amt. of Cash recd. dividend of New York and Miss Land
Jany Company and premium on same 702 50
Jany 12 Amt. of Cash recd. of the Estate of S. McTamore 3 50
Mch. 8 Amt of Cash recd. of Jones & Earle for Park 321 25
Mch. 30 Amt of Cash recd. on settlement with Dr. W. F. Sykes 26 82
Contra Credits
Marh 3 By amt. cash paid W A Violrt for Groceries No 2 239 82 April 9 By amt. cash paid Pierce Daniel No 3 200 00 April 13 By amt. cash paid John Sevier No 4 7 50 April 13 By amt. cash paid McMahon V Pearsall invoice Sundries No 5 81 06 April 14 By amt. cash paid C. Gibson Overseer No 6 400 00 April 29 By amt cash pd. McMahon V Pearsall invoice Sundries No 7 76 28 May 1 By amt. cassh paid for 9 work horses as pr. 9 receipts No 8 458 00 May 22 By amt. paid R. Page Clerks fees No 9 41 00 June 15 By amt paid W. H. Mason (E [??] & Newsum) No 10 78 00 June 15 By amt. cash paid EdwardWordsworth No 11 50 00
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