Executive Department
Montgomery, Ala. Dec. 5th 1861.
Hon. A. F. Hopkins, [check]
Dear Sir:
I have the pleasure to hand you enclosed
a copy of the Act. passed by General Assembly for Hospital
accommodations for our troops in Virginia, and beg to call your
attention to its provisions. By the terms of the Act I am
constrained to the conviction that it appropriates the funds for
accommodations and supplies to be hereafter obtained and that
no part of them could properly be applied in extinguishment
of any indebtedness or liability incurred heretofore in furtherance
of like humane purpose in Virginia by patriotic citizens of
I also herewith hand you a letter to Dr. C. J. Clark and
Hon. J. P. Benjamin, Secy. of War, which I beg you to read, and
which explain themselves.
With the highest appreciation of the ardent
patriotism of yourself and excellent lady, and the assurance of my
confidence in your ability and success, and my best wishes
for your health and safe return to Alabama, I am
Most Respectfully Yours
(Signed.) Jno. Gill Shorter.
Executive Department
Montgomery, Ala. Dec. 5th, 1861.
Dr. C. J. Clark [check]
Dear Sir;
I have the pleasure to inform you that our General
Assembly have appropriated $30,000 for Hospitals accommodations
for our disabled and sick troops in Virginia, and while the
appointment of Surgeon is expected to be conferred by me, I am impressed
that it might not be agreable to the Secretary of War for me to
interfere with the Army Regulations, which place the appointing
power in him, and as the establishment must fall under the
supervision of his Department. I have addressed him a letter by
Hon. A. F. Hopkins, (who is commissioned by this Department as
the agent of the State for the establishment of the Hospital and who
carries with him a copy of the Act under which we are proceeding} -
advising him that it would be most agreable to the public
authorities of Alabama and our troops, to transfer you from
the 10th Alabama Regiment, and assign you to the medical
supervision of the Hospital.
I doubt not that it will be the pleasure of the
Secretary of War to comply with our wishes, and I hope that
you may consent to accept a position so honorable, where you
can render such valuable services to the patriotic soldiers
of your State who may require them at your hands.
With highest regards I am
Respectfully Yours
(Signed) Jno. Gill Shorter.
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