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Executive Department,
Montgomery, Ala., Dec. 12th, 1861.

A. J. Noble [check]
Mayor &c.

Dear Sir,

I wish to have the services of two reliable and
trustworthy men engaged for one month as a night watch for the State
Capitol, and not being so well acquainted with persons having the
necessary qualifications for such service as yourself I have to request that
you will be so good as to engage for me the services of two suitable men
for the purpose and time above stated, and fix their compensation
at such price as you may in your discretion deem reasonable and
just. When engaged be so good as to order the men to report themselves
at the Executive Office this evening at five o clock for duty.

Your prompt attention to this matter will greatly oblige

Very Respectfully
(Signed) Jno. Gill Shorter.

Executive Department,
Montgomery, Ala., Dec. 12th, 1861.

Mr. A. J. Noble, [check]
Mayor of the City,

Dear Sir,

Your note in reply to mine of today is
received, for which I am obliged. Your contract for two watchman
to guard the Capitol is understood and approved. The men are
assigned to duty and I doubt not will prove worthy of the trust
reposed in them.

Accept my thanks for your prompt attention and
assistance. Respectfully yours
(Signed.) John Gill Shorter.

Executive Department,
Montgomery, Ala., Dec. 13th, 1861.

Mr. Wm A. Grant [check]
Chairman of Finance Committee, Auxiliary to
Ladies Aid Society. [check]


I have the pleasure to acknowledge receipt of your note of the
11th inst. requesting an advance of funds, to be applied in payment
of indigent woman for work in manufacturing clothing for our troops -
the money to be distributed and disbursed through the Ladies Aid
Society of this city.

No one can feel more gratified to our country-women, or
honor them more highly than I do for their self-sacrifice and
consideration to their country in this day of peril, and while I will most
heartily aid to the extent of my means in furtherance of their
patriotic labors I am constrained by my convictions of official
duty to decline an advance from the State Treasury in aid of any
of the Societies, not particularly provided for by legislative
enactments. Were I to do so to one in the city of Montgomery. I should
advance to each organization in the city laboring in the
same praiseworthy cause, and if proper to advance to
socieites in this City, I could not withhold like advances

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