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from similar Societies in the many towns, villages, and
neighborhoods of this State. Almost every neighborhood has an organization to aid
our brave Soldiers, and there are, it is to be feared, to many families in
remote and obscure districts who are in needy condition and suffering
from the absence of fathers, husbands, and sons now in the Camps, and
to whom I would rejoice to send relief if in my power.

Upon an examination into the records and files of this
Department I have ascertained that we have not the raw materials on hand for
manufacturing of clothing sufficient to fill the requisitions of the various
Societies in the State which ask the privilege of manufacturing the clothing
free of all charge to the State. If we are able to have clothing manufactured
at the cost of the raw material and freight charges only it is manifest
that the State can furnish them at proportionally reduced rates to our
troops. So long therefore as we shall be able to obtain clothing upon
terms so honorable to our fair country-women and so favorable to our
troops I cannot doubt that you will agree with me that it is my
duty to do so. And if the public necessities require more rapid
manufacture than can be accomplished by the aid socieites, the
Quartermaster will be instructed to let our contracts, under proper safeguards
to those who may be willing and able to meet requistions upon
just and remunerating terms.

Inasmuch as I desire the decision herein announced, and
the reasons upon which it rests may be fully understood by the Ladies
Aid Society which you represent. I beg you to do me the favor to submit
it to their society for their information.

I beg likewise to hand you herewith a check for $20 which I
contribute from my own funds in aid of the Society, which please
present with my thanks for all they have done so patriotically
for our beloved State and my earnest wishes for their continued
usefulness and efficiency.

Respectfully Yours
(Signed) John Gill Shorter.

Executive Department,
Montgomery, Ala., Dec. 14th, 1861.

Hon. Arthur F. Hopkins [check]
Richmond, Va.

Sir ;

I enclose herewith a copy of "an act for the
relief of the Sick Soldiers from Alabama" passed by our General Assembly
since your departure from this City, - and additional to the act
under which you were appointed Agent for the State to establish a
Hospital in Virginia.

The act now enclosed provides for the
establishment of a Hospital Depot at, or in, the neighborhood of Manasses,
and for the appointment by me of an Alabama Physician to
keep it and who shall have the rank and pay of Major in the
Army, and to be paid monthly by my warrant on the State

This act is quite defective in omitting to make
an appropriation for the construction or rent of a depot building, and
I think you will agree with me that such an agent, if appointed
by me under this act could not hold "the rank of Major" or
any other rank in the Confederate Army, and further that
the pay of Major would be an extravagant
compensation for an agent who is to do nothing else but

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