25 27
with you. I prefer to adjourn any further communication to the
Secretary of War untill after you visit home. Upon the propriety of
additional compensation, on account of your location in Richmond - where
your expenses are largely increased - I have to say - that no
appropriation was made for salary to the Surgeon, by the act, and that
such compensation will have to be charged out of the
appropriation of $30,000, and may - properly, be so charged, if necessary to
effect the end proposed by it.
The General-Assembly made an additional appropriation
of $1500 To provide a building at Manassas, for the Depot of all
supplies for our Troops; and measures have been take to accomplish
the object. Recent advices from there report the lumber bought, and
I hope - soon - to hear that the building is completed. It is expected that
a guard will be detailed - from our Regiments to protect & keep it.
In the selection of a proper person, as an agent to attend to the
receipt and distribution of medical stores- which may be
forwarded from Alabama, I, of expect you in cooperation with Judge
Hopkins, to exercise your discretion; Indeed, all the details must
necessarily, be under your joint and separate administration, which
I sincerely trust - and believe - will be mutually agreeable, and
beneficial to the State
Please show this letter to him - I have written him - like-
wise - by this mail.
Very respectfully,
Your obedient servent.
(Signed) Jno Gill Shorter
Executive Department
Montgomery, Ala. Jany 17th 1862.
Mr Thos. T. Gosnell, [check]
Dear Sir,
In reply to your letter of the 2d inst.
proposing to sell 32 new rifles, I have to say that I will buy the
Rifles - if delivered here, and are of an inch, or more. in
diameter - at valuation; cash; the valuation to be made by
the Ordnance-office of the Confederate Government.
Very respectfully,
(Signed) Jno Gill Shorter.
Executive Department
Montgomery, Ala Jan. 18th 1862
Mr Tho's. P. Miller, Mobile [check]
Dear Sir,
I embrace the earliest opportunity to reply to your
letter of the 13th Inst. communicating a Resolution- adopted by the
Committee of Safety - in reference to providing fire ships and boats to
meet the vessels of the Enemy in Mobile Bay.
There is no appropriation - made by the Genl assembly, which
I am at liberty to apply to such a purpose. The idea did not occur
to the Legislature, or provision would, probably, have been made;
whatever the Committee of Safety, after deliberate consultation;
may deem expedient to be done by them - having such large
discretionary powers - I will be happy to sustain them in, even,
at the risk of exercising a doubtful power, if the public
interest is to be subserved by it. When you shall have
heard from Commodore Hollins, I hope you will
communicate, further, his views to me. Very Respectfully,
Your obed't Serv't
(Signed) Jno Gill Shorter -
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