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Executive Department.
Montgomery, January 18th, 1862.
To Maj Gen. Thos, W. McCoy, Mobile [check]
Dear Sir,
The pressure of official duties has prevented an earlier
acknowlegement of your letter of the 14th Inst. covering
returns for the Division under your command. While in
your City and since my return to the Capitol, I have
addressed special orders to Brigadier Genl Thos J. Butler, of the 9th
Brigade, for an immediate - and thorough organization of his
Brigade, and with instructions to report directly to this
Department. Having been deprived, while in your city, of the
pleasure of a personal - and free interview with you, upon
the subject of our Military Defense, and- from a cause unknown
to me, - until I was advised by yourself, on the wharf while in
the act of leaving Mobile - I deemed that the Public Interest
would be - most effectually promoted - by extending my orders to
the Brigadier General - with whom I had full intercourse, and
to whom I was enabled - unreservedly - to communicate my
views - as to the policy to be adopted, to accomplish the object I

It was not in my thought to deprive you of the
command of the 9th Brigade, and I had no intimation, from
any quarter, that, as I had the unquestioned power to address
my orders to any Commander of Military Subdivisions, under
the first section of the 12th Chapter of the Military Code, that
it would be, personally, disagreeable to you, I thought I might
do so - in discharge of public duty - even without comment.

The active movements to perfect the organization of the 9th
Brigade - made necessary by the threatening conduct of the
Enemy, I, also, believed could be expedited by direct
communication between Brigadier Genl Butler and this Department. The
Public exigency, in my own judgement, commended the
course, and I have not had occasion to change that opinion.
If this view of my duty and responsiblity - does not furnish, in
your estimation, a justification of my acts - I have only to express
my regrets - that you should feel, in the least, offended, where
offense was, by no means, intended.

Should it become necessary to order the Brigade of Genl
Butler into active service - I shall, certainly, communicate
through you, not intending - or desiring to supersede you in the
command of any portion of your Division.

For the promptness - with which - I am advised, that you
extended my orders to the 22d Brigade, accept my thanks.
Very resp'y
Yr ob.t Ser't
(Signed) Jno Gill Shorter
Executive Department.
Montgomery, Jany20th, 1862
W. B. Modowell Esqr [check]
McKinley, Ala.
Dear Sir,
I the midst of the severest pressure
of public and official duties, I seize this opportunity to reply to
your letter of the 8th inst. And, in reference to the action taken by
by a portion of the Citizens of Marengo - to which you refer,
I have only to say that I regret the public manifestation of
any dis-satisfaction at what the General Assembly may have
done - or omitted to do. And I also regret any growing

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Re: The letter dated Jan. 18. One of the sentences appears to be nearly 100 words long! One would think the aide (if not forbidden) would have broken that sentence into separate parts. I kind of lost track of what it was saying and had to double check I hadn't missed a period somewhere.