the blessing of God, to keep it so, these selfish - avaricious men have no
right to disregard the public welfare - at a time like this - and seek the
advancement of individual & sordid Ends, when they conflict with a
policy - upon which all may depend for the subsistence of our Army
and people.
I hereby give notice that I shall urge upon the next session of the
General Assembly, the duty and sound policy of taxing all Cotton
beyond what may be needed for Home consumption - and the
supply of seed for another year, to the full extent of its value; and I think
it every way probable, that persons who will persist in planting the
usual crop of Cotton - or more than one acre to the hand, will not be
allowed to enjoy the fruits of such a selfish & unpatriotic course.
[Locus Sigilli] In testimony whereof - I, John Gill Shorter,
Governor of the State of Alabama, have hereunto set my
hand - and caused the great Seal of the State to
to be affixed - this the 10th day of April, A. D. 1862-
By the Governor, (Signed) Jno Gill Shorter
Attest. (Signed) P. H. Brittan Secretary of State.
N. B. The Newspapers throughout the State will publish the
above Proclamation, one week, and forward their accounts,
to the Executive office.
(Signed) Jas S. Albright, Private Secy c
Executive Department;
Montgomery, Alabama, April 22d 1862
Genl Jeff. Davis, President C. S. A.
Richmond, Virginia.
Mr President:
I addressed a communication to the Sec: of
War, a short time since, upon the situation of affairs at Mobile
& Pensacola, to which - in connection with this, I respectfully, beg
leave to call your attention.
Since then I have visited both places, and now, in reference to
Pensacola, especially, respectfully, make some statements,
and offer some suggestions.
The situation of affairs at Pensacola is not, at all
We have, there about - 3000 men, and of these about one half
only, are armed.
We are greatly of an office of the rank of Brigadier General,
who will compact & organize matters, & inspire confidence. Colonel
Jones - now in Command - feels and admits the need of such an
officer, as much as any one else. Brigr-Genl Forney - who was
ordered to report to Maj Genl Saml Jones - at Mobile - I saw at Mobile,
and was greatly in hopes that he would be sent to Pensacola:
but his arm was so painful - and so far from being entirely healed,
that he was physically unable for the service, and it was not
possible for the Surgeon to say when he would be well able. We must
have a general at Pensacola, and one who will
inspire confidence, and that soon, or the place, if the
Enemy make any sort of an attack, will ^be^ evacuated, with confusion and
disgrace, and if the attack be made at certain points, would
probably, result in the capture of a large portion of our forces
Untill Genl Forney recovers - so as to be equal to the service, could
not some Brigadier Genl - whose character would inspire
confidence at once be put in temporary command? I do know,
personally Genl Ransom of N. C. but I find that he is highly
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